


Hybridizer Colonel Jesse Crook Nicholls (1874-1961)¹

Ithaca, New York, USA

Colonel Jesse Crook Nicholls, U.S.A. retired. Ithaca, N.Y. Graduate of West Point, Past instructor in Ordinance, West Point, head of Military Dept., Cornell University (retired 1927) Iris Specialist, raising many fine varieties as 'West Point', 'Valor', Crysoro', 'Red Robe', 'Creole Belle' etc. Besides this he has produced many splendid Peonies and written numerous articles on horticultural and scientific subjects. Iris list began 1926, Catalogue 1928 and continued through 1939….Among the first winners of the American Iris Society's Hybridizer Award in 1941. His son Jesse C. Nicholls Jr. also hybridized. (Pictured iris is 'Valor'.) An obituary from the AIS Bulletin may be found here.


Intermediate Bearded: 'Black Watch' 1932, 'Chevron' R.1941, 'Crysoro' 1931, 'Maygold' 1931, 'Red Elf' 1932, 'September Dawn' 1935, 'Spark' 1931, 'Surefire' 1937, 'Tan Toy' 1937.

Minature Dwarf Bearded: 'Reichenbachii Yellow', 'Sapphire Night' 1934, 'Trinket' 1938.

Tall Bearded: 'Angkhor Vat', 'Aurex' 1932, 'Battle Flag', 'Black Banner', 'Black Valor' 1938, 'Black Warrior' 1934, 'Blazing Star' 1934, 'Blood Royal', 'Blue Diamond' 1938, 'Blue Glow', 'Boadicea' 1931, 'Caballero' 1935, 'Creole Belle' 1934, 'Crimson Tide' 1939, 'Crown Jewel' 1934, 'Desert Wraith', 'Fire God' 1929, 'Gleam' 1929, 'Gold Leaf', 'Gold Spangle' 1935, 'Goldwing' 1934, 'Jolly Roger' 1934, 'Lobengula', 'Lucero', 'Mary E. Nicholls' 1939, 'Mata Hari' 1937, 'Mirabel', 'Mirador' 1935, 'Nara', 'Nurmahal' 1931, 'Ox Heart' 1934, 'Pride' 1937, 'Red Flame', 'Red Revel' 1939, 'Red Robe' 1931, 'Red Valor' 1939, 'Rosewood', 'Rubygold', 'Sea Dawn' 1932, 'Shogun' 1931, 'Smolder' 1937, 'Snow Shadow' 1934, 'Solitaire' 1932, 'Storm King' 1940, 'Style', 'Sunmist' 1934, 'Swanee', 'Tokay' 1931, 'Valor' 1932, 'Vestal Flame' 1934, 'West Point' 1939, 'White and Gold' 1928, 'White Star', 'White Valor' 1938, 'Wildfire' 1938, 'Winged Victory'.

¹Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 29 March 2020), memorial page for Jesse Crook Nicholls (1874–1961), Find a Grave Memorial no. 27810913, citing Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA ; Maintained by Ellen Stanton (contributor 46774660) .

-- BobPries - 2011-06-16
Topic revision: r20 - 25 Apr 2024, BrewItt
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