Hybridizer Olive Murrell (1889-1957)

Orpington, Kent, England

Recipient of the Foster Memorial Plaque in 1935, the first woman to receive the award.

ORPINGTON FOUNDER PASSES AWAY [From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 148(January 1958)]:

Murrell, Olive, of the Orpington Nurseries, Orpington, Kent, died in the Westminster Hospital, London, on August 16th, 1957, age 69. The death of Olive Murrell has come as a sad blow to the entire iris world. Since 1920 her name and that of the Orpington Nurseries have been synonymous, and she was nearly as well known abroad as she was in England. She entered the iris business when great things were being done. "Dominion" had not long been raised and among her personal friends were great breeders like W. R. Dykes and A. J. Bliss and G. P. Baker and she was privileged to introduce many of their new irises. The very famous "W. R. Dykes," the first great yellow, was one of them. It was an exciting period altogether for not only were breeders busy in England, but in France and America as well. Soon were to come the famous yellows of the late Haworthe Chadburn which Olive Murrell introduced. She was a lifelong friend of the late Prof. Sidney B. Mitchell and corresponded at length "\tvith many of the great American breeders. It was through this that so many of the Sass irises have been introduced into England.

In 1935 Olive Murrell was awarded the Foster Memorial Plaque, a special personal award given to those who contribute to the advance of the Genus; and in 1940 she gained the Dykes Medal for her own great iris "White City." She had been on the Committee of the British Iris Society for over 20 years, and had also been a member of the Joint Committee of the R.H.S. and Iris Society for many years. She will long be remembered for her work as Registrar of the British Iris Society, and for her association with Charles E. F. Gersdorff who held a similar position in the American Iris Society for so many years.


Border Bearded: 'Ariel',

Intermediate Bearded: 'Gloaming', 'Grenato', 'May Moon', 'May Sun', 'Moonbeam', 'Pervaneh', 'Red May', 'Starlight', 'White May'.

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Ariel'.

Tall Bearded: 'Allure', 'Amber Wave', 'Aquarelle', 'Baneret', 'Bezant', 'Bittersweet', 'Blue Aphrodite', 'Blue Jacket', 'Bootblack', 'Cherry Ripe', 'Cleo Murrell', 'Columbine', 'Daffodil', 'Evelyn Benson', 'Excalibur', 'Fairy Prince', 'Fairy Princess', 'Fun Fair', 'Gay Girl', 'Gillyflower', 'Gold Flake', 'Harvest Blush', 'Hassan', 'Heavenslea', 'Honor Sterndale', 'Ivory Gleam', 'Jacobean', 'Kenilworth', 'Lady Hudson', 'Lady Morvyth', 'Lilias', 'London Pride', 'Madrigal', 'Marie Azur', 'Old Seville', 'Old Tapestry', 'Orient Pearl', 'Pageant', 'Pakistan', 'Prunella', 'Rafi', 'Regency', 'Romance', 'Rose Petal', 'Royal Sceptre', 'Royal Standard', 'Ruddigore', 'Seraph', 'Seymour Henry Bathurst', 'Shell Pink', 'Shot Silk', 'Snowdrift', 'Sorcery', 'Still Waters', 'Storm', 'Sunbeam', 'Sweet Pea', 'Talisman', 'Torchlight', 'Triste', 'White City', 'Whitehall', 'Witchery', ''Wraith'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r15 - 30 Aug 2022, EdenSprings
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