

Tell Photo.jpg

Hybridizer Tell Muhlestein (1913-1978)

Orem, Utah, USA

Received the American Iris Society Hybridizer Award in 1956.
(The Daily Herald. Provo, Utah. 27 Sep 1978, Wed • Page 4)
Grant Tell Muhlestein, 63, of 425 N. 400 W., Orem, died Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1978 at Utah Valley Hospital of a heart attack. He was born July 20, 1913 in Somerset. Colo., to Christian H. Muhlestein and Mary Elizabeth Conrad. He married Marie Phillips April 3, 1946 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. He attended Somerset High School and Pleasant View High School in Ogden. He also attended Brigham Young University for two years. Following his marriage they made their first home in Provo. He was a composer of music and played the piano. He served as a drama director for road shows in Provo and Orem and was in several plays for BYU and the Theater Guild. He was a hybridizer of iris plants, raised canaries and pomeranian dogs, and was a floral arranger. He served as president of the American Iris Society and was a judge for iris shows and also a judge for Roller Canaries.
Mr. Muhlestein was known worldwide for his flowers and birds. He was a bus driver for the special education children for several years in the Provo School District. He lived in Provo from 1936 to 1967 then moved to Orem. Active in the church, he resided in the Orem 66th Ward where he was a high priest. He served on the High Council of the Orem Utah West Stake, and was currently serving in the Sunday School superintendency. He was active in all church positions and activities and was a temple worker. Survivors include his wife, two sons and two daughters: Grant G Muhlestein, Martel H Muhlestein, Vickie Muhlestein, all of Orem; Mrs. Kevin (Jan) Dearing, Pleasant Grove; seven grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. Faye (Rachel) Piatt, Bountiful, UT; Mrs. Roy (Grace) Williams, Ogden, Mrs. Joseph (Fona) Farrey, Provo. One brother. Herrnick Muhlestein, and one sister, Eva Dove, preceded him in death. Funeral services will be held Friday at 1 p.m. in the Orem West Stake Center, 546 N 500 W., Orem. Friends may call at the Berg Mortuary in Orem, 500 N. State, Thursday from 6 to 8 p m. or at the stake center on Friday.


Arilbred: 'Bingham'; 'Blue Fairy'; 'Deep Buttercup'; 'Eastern Mystery'; 'Generous'; 'Green Mohr' 1951, 'Hoogie Boy', 'Lady of Nepal'; 'Lebanese Snow'; 'Little Lake' 1951; 'Marbled Mohr'; 'Mohr And More'; 'Mohr Glorious'; 'Mohr Lemonade', 'Mohr Velvet'; 'Oddfellow', 'Splashes';

Border Bearded: 'Bit 'O' Paradise; 'Bone China'; 'Border Gold'; 'Chalfonte'; 'Cleta'; 'Early Charmer'; 'Echelon'; 'Fairy Folk'; 'Golden Copper'; 'Golden Curls'; 'Half A Peach'; 'Lacycot'; 'Lacy Lu' 1961; 'Lady Kay'; 'Marcy Dee'; 'Mauve Charmette'; 'Saucy Peach'; 'Saucy Pink'; 'Stepping Small'; 'Tangerine Flash'; 'True Devotion'; 'Wild Peacock';

Intermediate Bearded: 'Border Cream' 1965; 'Lemon Flurry'; 'Little Rubient'; 'Oddfellow'; 'Table Ware'; 'Velvet Gold';

Minature Dwarf Bearded: 'Drop 'O' Lemon'; 'Little Elsa' 1948;

Minature Tall Bearded: 'Table Glow'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Amaranth Gem'; 'Lemon Flare'; 'Little Cottage'; 'Paper And Ink'; 'Small Cloud'; 'Small Sky'; 'Toy Town';

Spuria: 'Big Golden'; 'Char-True'; 'Fluted Buttercup' 1961; 'Fluted Opal'; 'Laced Butterfly' 1961; 'Red Step';

Tall Bearded (A-L): 'After Midnight' 1949; 'Another Lark' R.1951; 'Another Swan' 1978; 'Apricot Glory' 1951, 'Apricot Puree' 1976; 'Arctic Gold' 1948; 'Auburn Star' 1973; 'Azure Lake' 1952, 'Bannock Chief' 1982, 'Bannock Warrior' 1982, 'Bengal Beauty' 1962, 'Big Peach' 1975, 'Bill Brown' 1955, 'Bingham' 1955, 'Biscuit Pink' 1971, 'Blackcap' R.1947, 'Blue Alabaster' 1971, 'Blue Promise' 1974, 'Blue Snow' R.1945, 'Blue Staghorn' 1963, 'Blue Stardust' 1955, 'Bronze Shimmer' R.1947, Brown Stain' 1948, 'Brownland' 1951, 'Buckthorn Brown' 1948, 'Burmese Ruby' 1949, 'Button Stitched' 1972, 'Captivator' R.1947, 'Carolyn C' 1977, 'Charming Mistress' R.1948, Chetkin' 1961, 'Cinnamon Tart' 1969, 'Clara B' 1952, 'Concord Concentrate' 1971, 'Contrasted Moods' 1977, 'Convention Queen' 1954, 'Cool Lemonade' 1947, 'Cream and Tangerine' 1956, 'Cream Crest' 1959, 'Cream Gold' 1947, 'Dawn Overlay' 1947, 'Day of Rest' 1962, 'Deep Buttercup' 1948, 'Deep Maroon' 1952, 'Doctor K' 1960, 'Don't Neglecta' 1978, 'Dream Along' 1950, 'Dream of May' 1978, 'Dr. Wanlass' 1956, 'Dutch Kitchen' 1978, 'Early Reception', 'Eleanor Z', 'Entrapment', 'Ethel Helms', 'Fabulous Kate' 1950, 'Fancy Feather', 'Fire Ruby', 'First Curtain', 'Flame On Gold', 'Flamingo Bay', 'Flamingo Lake', 'Fluted Lavender', 'Fona', 'Gay Blade' 1951, 'Gay Orchid' 1949, 'Gay Purple', 'Generous', 'Glistenglow' 1949, 'Glistening Copper', 'Glittering Bronze' 1961, 'Golden Accent', 'Golden Brilliance', 'Golden Spice', 'Gold Ruffles' 1947, 'Gold Torch', 'Grant Gordon', 'Grape Red', 'Gray Lace' 1961, 'Greenglow' 1949, 'Green Ivory', 'Green Mohr' 1951, 'Happy Blend', 'Hobo Party', 'Hoogie Boy' 1949, 'Imitation Sky', 'Ina Rogers', 'Irene Neece', 'Irish Whim', 'Jan Elizabeth', 'Joyce Terry', 'June Meredith', 'June's Sister', 'Just Annie' 1951, 'Just Different', 'Laced Armour', 'Lady Albright' 1950, 'Lady Marie', 'Late Apricot', 'Late Guest' 1946, 'Light Stitches', 'Lilac Rose', 'Little Glacier', 'Louder Still', 'Loud Music', 'Lovely Diana', 'Lovely Lois', 'Luzon Crosby',

Tall Bearded (M-Z): 'Madeira Lace' 1966, 'Marbled Mohr' 1959, 'Marie Phillips' 1963, 'Martel' 1962, 'Melody Lace' 1946, 'Merry Lass' R.1945, 'Merry Orchid' 1961, 'Merry Rose' 1948, 'Midnight Frolic' R.1947, 'Mirror Lake' 1947, 'Miss Vickie' 1970, 'Mist Glow' 1948, 'Modern Design' 1958, 'Mohr Lemonade' 1958, 'Mohr Velvet' 1952, 'Mount Timp' 1945, 'New Adventure' 1954, 'Night Life' 1948, 'Night Spot' 1949, 'Norma Averett' 1964, 'Orange Apricot' 1955, 'Orange Concentrate' 1971, 'Orange Creamo' 1953, 'Orange Sherbet' R.1947, 'Orange Whamo' 1976, 'Orchid Blues' R.1945, 'Party Dress' 1951, 'Pearl Island' 1975, 'Pinafore Party' 1962, 'Pink Beard' R.1947, 'Pink Confection' 1953, 'Pink Enchantment' 1954, 'Pink Fantastic' R.1947, 'Pink Formal' 1949, 'Pink Fulfillment' 1954, 'Pink Ivory' 1962, 'Pink Papa' 1956, 'Pink Peach' R.1947, 'Pink Salmon' 1948, 'Pink Setting' 1969, 'Pink Tower' 1948, 'Praiseworthy' 1955, 'Preferred Man' 1968, 'President Farnsworth' 1975, 'Promissory Note' 1978, 'Provost' 1945, 'Queen's Lace', 'Quiet Grandeur', 'Radiant Command' 1948, 'Rare Marble' 1947, 'Raspberry Ice Cream', 'Raven Country', 'Red Copper', 'Rich Experience', 'Rich Tapestry', 'Rose Glow' 1951, 'Ruffled Gem' 1951, 'Ruffled Pink', 'Ruffled Shell', 'Salmon Shell' 1950, 'Sanded Marble', 'Sapphire Tiara', 'Sea Lark' 1946, 'Second Look', 'Sheer Genius', 'Shine On' 1949, 'Shine On It', 'Show 'N' Tell', 'Sky Song' 1951, 'Sky Tint' 1949, 'Smoked Salmon', 'Smootho', 'Snow and Gold', 'Snow Basin', 'Snow Capitol', 'Speak Softly', 'Sporting Thomas' 1949, 'Stag At Eve' 1948, 'Star Valley', 'Step Up', 'Story Time' 1949, 'Sunset Road' 1950, 'Swan Ballet', 'Sweet Dream', 'Sweet Marie' 1951, 'Sweet Repose', 'Tall Tale', 'The Bearded Lady', 'The Knockout' 1951, 'The Showman' 1950, 'The Tanner' 1951, 'Today's Special', 'Twotone Mohr', 'Utah Cream', 'Utah Fiesta' 1948, 'Utah Lake' 1950, 'Utah Mahogany', 'Utah Sky', 'Utah Snow' 1961, 'Utah Special' 1950, 'Utah Sunrise', 'Utah Sunset' 1951, 'Utah Valley', 'Utah Velvet' 1961, 'Violet Leather', 'Waxy White' 1950, 'Weather Bird', 'White Flamingo', 'White Leatherette' 'Wild Peacock', 'Winken and Blinken', 'Winter Calm', 'Wish Again', 'Wisteria Tree', 'Wonderful Sky', 'Wonderful White', 'Yellow Accent', 'Yellow Cream', 'Yellow Tower' 1950.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Tell Photo.jpgjpg Tell Photo.jpg manage 535 K 22 Sep 2022 - 13:52 DavidPotembski Photo scanned from Tell's catalog for 1951
Topic revision: r54 - 18 Apr 2024, BobPries
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