Hybridizer Charles "Carl" Spencer Milliken (1876-1958)
Arcadia, California, USA
A visit to the Milliken garden, in Arcadia, is an inspiration to any iris lover. The landscape is made up with not only extensive beds of bearded irises, but includes spurias, oncos and the Louisiana species. These vast beds are flanked with flowering trees and shrubs and there is no period of the iris season when some of them are not in bloom to enhance the beauty of the iris setting. The iris displayed in this garden are essentially those of Milliken's own introduction and those of Mr. White and Mr. Nies. Outstanding Milliken iris are Spring Sunshine, a huge medium yellow, good substance, tall sturdy stalks, good branching. Grand Marshal, flowers large buff yellow, flushed brown at the haft. It is a good pollen and pod parent. Arcadia Buttercup is such a solid bright yellow, it glows under any weather conditions-a flash in the garden, probably the brightest yellow; medium large flowers, perfect form, good substance, Rose Gold, a rose gold blend, different and outstanding-not tall or large, a color gem for the front of the border. Rose Bowl-if you like China Maid you will like this one a few shades darker. Painted Desert-this you can see "as is" in the color plate. Tournament Queen, a very large well balanced flower grown on tall, nicely branched stems, exceptional color. Appointee (C. G. White) is about as green as any, with large flowers, good substance; tall and very late. Dixie Belle (Milliken), medium large, both standards and falls ruffled, warm white. On first approach to this iris one is reminded of Snow Flurry but it is entirely different, medium tall, good substance-an iris for every garden. [G. H. Murray, “The Rainbow of San Fernando," The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 110 (July 1948): 87-88.]