Hybridizer Mrs. Edward Miller (Kathryn A.), 1901-1970

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 199(October 1970): Kathryn Schober Miller passed away in Oregon on June 28, 1970, after several months of illness. Those who attended the AIS National Convention in Milwaukee, in 1969, will remember Mrs. Miller and her small but immaculately tended garden on the city's south side. Accompanying her fine irises were many distinctive and unusual perennials. Shortly after the close of the 1969 convention, Mrs. Miller, a life long gardener, reluctantly gave up active participation in her cherished hobby, sold the home, and with husband Edward, now retired, traveled westward via trailer. Before leaving Milwaukee, Mrs. Miller almost never missed a function of the Wisconsin Iris Society, and was an enterprising recruiter of AIS members. A tireless and discriminating show competitor, she often exhibited well over 100 excellent bloom stalks, and was recipient of many high awards. It is unfortunate that she had become interested in hybridizing only in the last twelve years, for she had begun to get some very interesting seedlings. Among her iris introductions are FLUTED PEARL, DESEREE, GRACEFUL LADY, MELCENA, and LULLING DREAMS.


Tall Bearded: 'Deseree', 'Fluted Pearl', 'Graceful Lady', 'Lulling Dreams', 'Melcena', 'Miracle Dream'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r5 - 07 Dec 2017, DavidPotembski
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