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Hybridizer (botanical author) Carl (Carolus) Linnaeus (1701-1778)

Carl Linnaeus was a Swedish botanist and zoologist. Known as the father of modern botany, he laid the foundation for the modern biological naming scheme of plants and animals. Linnaeus was educated and lectured in botany at Uppsala University.

Also see scientist Carl Linnaeus.

Linnaeus is the botanical author of the follwing irises:

Species: Aphylla , 'Belamcanda', Bituminosa, Florentina, Foetidissima, Germanica, Graminea, Ochroleuca, Persica, Pseudacorus, Pumila, 'Sambucina' , Sibirica, Spuria, 'Squalens', Susiana, 'Tuberosa', 'Variegata', 'Verna", 'Versicolor', 'Virginica', 'Xiphium'.

Tall Bearded: 'Sambucina', 'Squalens'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r14 - 02 Sep 2020, Pamina
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