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Hybridizer Charles H. Lewis (1895-1962)

Charles H. Lewis, Sr., a charter member of the Greater Kansas City Iris Society, died at Kansas City, Kansas, February 20. He was interested in hybridizing and introduced a number of varieties; the most recent, BLACKNESS, was awarded Honorable Mention in 1960. The Greater Kansas City Iris Society has established a memorial trophy in his honor. [AIS BULLETIN #166, JULY 1962, p.77]


Arilbred: 'Honeymohr', 'Purple Opal', 'Rosemohr'.

Tall Bearded: 'Blackness', 'Cathy Lewis', 'Ceylon Sapphire', 'Harrison White', 'Honeymohr', 'Kansas Cream', 'Matron', 'Purple Opal',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r8 - 29 Jun 2020, Pamina
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