

Hybridizer Elbridge Greig Lapham

Elkhart, Indiana, USA. Introduced through Sunnyside Nursery of Merton Gage

American Iris Society Hybridizer Award in 1945.

Article from the July 1961 Bulletin Lapham's Method in Red Breeding by Harold Harned.

Border Bearded: 'Ingenue'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Starlet'.

Tall Bearded: 'Afar' 1948, 'Amicus', 'Apricot Gem', 'Autumn Sunset' 1942, 'Barbara Luddy' 1947, 'Belle Covert' 1940, 'Belle Porter' 1929, 'Beverly' 1939, 'Big Time' 1951, 'Blushing Nymph' 1941, 'Bonny' 1948, 'Bo Peep' 1940, 'Camilla Dubuar' 1929, 'Charlie Gersdorff 1948, 'Cheerleader' 1958, 'Christabel' 1936, 'Crimson Sun' 1939, 'DeKay' R.1933, 'Dress Rehearsal' 1954, 'Edward Lapham' 1942, 'Elizabeth Ann' 1940, 'Elkhart' 1937, 'Eloise Lapham' 1932, 'Erma Neale' R.1946, 'Ethelwynn Dubuar', 'Euphemia', 'Explosion', 'First Mate', 'Flaming Sunset', 'Forerunner', 'Forward March', 'Frank Adams' 1937, 'Frank Pugliese', 'Grace Lapham', 'Happy Wanderer' 1957, 'Heartbeat' 1958, 'Helen Louise' 1952, 'Homecoming Fires', 'Home Fires', 'Hoosier', 'Hoosier Sunrise' 1942, 'Indiana Sunset', 'Inez Bryan', 'Jane Neale', 'Jerry', 'Jersey', 'L. Merton Gage' 1943, 'Lights On', 'Long Last', 'Lotte Lembrich' 1951, 'Lyndon', 'M. A. Portrer', 'Maid Marian', 'Margaret Calnan', 'Marian Lapham', 'Maud Deming' 1937, 'Mayor Neale', 'Morning Charm' 1941, 'Ned Lefevre' 1942, 'Norah' 1952, 'On Stage' 1956, 'Pacemaker', 'Paradise Pink' 1950, 'Pink Marvel', 'Pink Parade', 'Pink Vista' 1940, 'Priority' 1945, 'Purple Moor', 'Razzle Dazzle', 'Red Glare', 'Red Gleam', 'Red Pomp', 'Red Ray', 'Red Sails', 'Red Waves', 'Retta', 'Reuben', 'Riding High', 'Rosa Barone' 1951, 'Rose Ellen', 'Salmon Splendor', 'Salmon Sprite', 'Seventh Heaven' 1955, 'Showoff', 'Sophie', 'Spring Idyl', 'Style Parade' 1958, 'Sweet Sixteen', 'Town Talk' 1954, 'Wakarusa' 1941, 'Wide Awake' 1953, 'Ylem' 1954.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Group_Laphams_Blake.jpgjpg Group_Laphams_Blake.jpg manage 160 K 16 Feb 2018 - 23:07 DavidPotembski Photo from AIS Bulletin #105(April 1947): 58.
Topic revision: r24 - 08 Aug 2024, DougChyz
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