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Hybridizer Frank Koehler

Rosedale Hardy Plant Farm, Camden, New Jersey, USA.

Iris breeder and Specialist in Peonies, Bulbs, etc. Mr. Koehler was formerly with Goos & Koenemann, Amos Perry and B.H. Farr. Letter 1920.


Tall Bearded: 'Belladonna', 'Cinderella', 'Elberon', 'Helene Koehler', 'Mrs. G. Koehler', 'Neptune's Daughter', 'Oberon', 'Prof. Seeliger', 'Red Riding Hood', 'Rosedale', 'Undine'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r6 - 24 Oct 2017, Harloiris
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