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Hybridizer P. Hutchison/Hutchinson*

Kent, England


Siberian: 'Blue Mere', 'Ellesmere', 'Nottingham Lace', 'Purple Cloak', 'Purple Mere', 'Violet Mere'.

Spuria: 'Ellison', 'Ticehurst'.

Tall Bearded: 'Cherry Ripe', 'Collingham', 'Cookoo's Cup', 'Dancers Veil', 'Freshwater', 'Golden Forest', 'Honey Light', 'Kent Pride', 'Lavender Patch', 'Lucid', 'Mauve Veil', 'Olive Murrell', 'Sunny Spain', 'Transmere'.

*Note: Spelling of hybridizer name varies in AIS Checklists.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r7 - 30 Jun 2020, Pamina
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