

GeorgiaHinkle (1).jpg

Hybridizer Georgia Hinkle (1905-1977)

Marion, Illinois, USA

Received the American Iris Society Hybridizer Award in 1966.

From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society No. 227(Fall 1977): Georgia Hinkle died peacefully in her sleep August 1. Born in Kentucky in 1905, Georgia began growing irises in 1935, and became a member of the American Iris Society in 1948. She started hybridizing in 1945 and introduced her first iris, REGINA MARIA, in 1954. Some of her other well known varieties are CURL'D CLOUD, SYMPHONY, SOUTHERN COMFORT, TEMPO, and KENTUCKY HILLS. She won six Awards of Merit, and the Hybridizer's Medal in 1966.

Georgia organized the Southern Illinois Iris Society in 1958 and edited the SUS Newsletter several years. She added approximately 100 AIS members during two national membership campaigns. She encouraged and shared her knowledge with many young irisarians and gave them pollen and rhizomes. Georgia's criterion of a good iris seedling was, "Would you pay $25.00 for it?" In our memories will be the Hinkle iris patch, with those marvelous Hinkle iris and the gracious lady from Marion, Illinois-Georgia Hinkle.



Border Bearded: 'Little Cloud'.

Tall Bearded: 'Beloved Belinda', 'Brave Viking', 'Conceit', 'Curl'd Cloud', 'Czarina', 'Daisy Powell', 'Dear Bob', 'Demetria', 'Doctor', 'Elizabeth Miles', 'Eve', 'First Affection', 'Gentian Etude', 'Good Manners', 'Harlan', 'Helen Keller', 'Helen Novak', 'Intriguer', 'Irish Dream', 'Ivy Green', 'Kentucky Hills', 'Lasata', 'La

zy River', 'Le Beau', 'Leda Knight', 'Magic Morn', 'Marion Maid', 'Mary Payne', 'May Snow', 'Melissa', 'New Love', 'Pleaseth Me', 'Regina Maria', 'Royal Anthem', 'Royal Egyptian', 'Scotsboro', 'Silvery Moon', 'Southern Comfort', 'Star Cross'd', 'Symphony', 'Tempo', 'Venetian Waltz', 'Village Green', 'White Bouquet', 'Winter's Nun', 'Zara'.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
GeorgiaHinkle (1).jpgjpg GeorgiaHinkle (1).jpg manage 146 K 28 Dec 2018 - 22:54 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 227(Fall 1977): 23.
HarvestLaneIris1960.jpgjpg HarvestLaneIris1960.jpg manage 17 K 04 Jan 2019 - 16:06 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 158(July 1960): 99. Advertisement
Topic revision: r13 - 29 Apr 2021, DavidPotembski
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