Hybridizer Jennifer Hewitt (1933 - 2023)

Kidderminster, England

Jennifer Hewitt is the registrar for Irises from members of the British Iris Society. For more Information about British Irises visit the British Iris Society Website. Jennifer has hybridized many Siberian Irises. Among them are three British Dykes Medal winners: 'Peter Hewitt' in 2008, 'Stephen Wilcox' in 2011 and 'Cloud Over Clee' in 2017.


Siberian: 'Ann Renn', 'Clee Hills', 'Cleedownton', 'Cleeton Buff', 'Cleeton Cross', 'Cleeton Double Chance', 'Cleeton Fancy', 'Cleeton Mirzella', 'Cleeton Moon', 'Cleeton Starburst', 'Cleeton Tiger', 'Cleeton Watercolour', 'Cloud Over Clee', 'Elinor Hewitt', 'Hoar Edge', 'Hortins' Red', 'Leo Hewitt', 'Madeleine Hamilton', 'Margaret Gillian', 'Marlene Ahlburg', 'Peter Hewitt', 'Rachel Hewitt', 'Redmarley', 'Roisin', 'Rossandel', 'Rosselline', 'Shrawley', 'Silver Rings', 'Siobhan', 'Stephen Wilcox', 'Wynandina Perkins'.

Species: 'Joy Bishop', 'Silvington', 'Virginica De Luxe'.

Species Hybrid: 'Dark Aura', 'Sun In Splendour'.

Spuria: 'Cherokee Lace'.

-- BobPries - 2011-07-07
Topic revision: r10 - 13 Mar 2024, BrewItt
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