Hybridizer Arthur Hobart Hazzard (1885-1982)

Kalamazoo, Michigan, USAHazzard_Ad.jpg

From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society No. 249(April 1983): The world's iris community, and especially the japanese section, lost one of its better known hybridizers on November 21, 1982, with the death of Arthur Hazzard at age 97. Art's interest in irises began in the 1920s, but by the late 1950s it had focused on the japanese section. A visit to Arlie Payne's garden in 1958 revealed the potential for improvement in this group, and he began making crosses and growing seedlings, introducing his first five cultivars in 1963. More introductions came yearly, with 'the 'Prairie' series beginning in 1968; by 1982, the list of Hazzard irises had reached nearly 100.

He persuaded the Southwestern Michigan Iris Society to hold an all-japanese iris show in Kalamazoo, MI, in 1963 - the first ever held in the U.S. He chaired that show, assisted with a second one in Davenport, lA, in 1964, and later helped with one in Terre Haute, IN. He was a Judge Emeritus for AIS and attended many national and regional meetings. A number of his originations have won H.M. awards, and three - NUMAZU in 1971, PRAIRIE LOVESONG in 1975, and PRAIRIE VELVET in 1979 - captured the Payne Award.

His illness struck so suddenly that there was no time for discussion about irises, but, being an accountant by profession, he kept meticulous records; it is hoped that his wife and fellow gardener, Freda, will be able to complete some of his plans. He will be remembered not only for his irises, but also for his personal alertness, friendliness, and keen sense of humor. — Mrs. Carl Bacon


Japanese: (A-Prairie Highlight): 'Angelic Advocate', Azure Perfection', 'Betteryet', 'Blew Down', 'Calico Print', 'Chimade', 'Eleanor's Choice', 'Enchantment', 'Friendly Victor', 'Gossamer Threads', 'Intrepid Ingenue', 'Kalamazoo', 'Magnificent Magic', 'Maroon Giant', 'Mauve Majesty', 'Minuet In Blue', 'Numazu', 'Oriental Organdy', 'Pastel Ruffles', 'Prairie Allure', 'Prairie Ardor', 'Prairie Beau', 'Prairie Bliss', 'Prairie Blue Boy', 'Prairie Bluebell', 'Prairie Bluemoon', 'Prairie Blueribbon', 'Prairie Bunting', 'Prairie Charm', 'Prairie Chief', 'Prairie Comet', 'Prairie Contentment', 'Prairie Coquette', 'Prairie Delight', 'Prairie Edge', 'Prairie Elf', 'Prairie Elite', 'Prairie Fantasy', 'Prairie Foralpha', 'Prairie Forbeta', 'Prairie Forgamma', 'Prairie Frost', 'Prairie Glamour', 'Prairie Glory', 'Prairie Heaven', 'Prairie Highlight',

(Prairie Idyll-Z): 'Prairie Idyll', 'Prairie Indigo', 'Prairie Ivory', 'Prairie Joy', 'Prairie Love Song', 'Prairie Mantle', 'Prairie Marvel', 'Prairie Noble', 'Prairie Pal', 'Prairie Passion', 'Prairie Patience', 'Prairie Peace', 'Prairie Pink', 'Prairie Princess', 'Prairie Quality', 'Prairie Royalty', 'Prairie Ruby', 'Prairie Ruffles', 'Prairie Sapphire', 'Prairie Silk', 'Prairie Snow', 'Prairie Star', 'Prairie Sunburst', 'Prairie Sunrise', 'Prairie Sweetbriar', 'Prairie Tapestry', 'Prairie Twilight', 'Prairie Valor', 'Prairie Velvet', 'Prairie Violet', 'Prairie Wand', 'Prairie Wonder', 'Royal Radiance', 'Rubytone', 'Stout Fellow', 'Sun Hat', 'Veined Artistry', 'Veinette', 'Violet Spectacle', 'Virginia B', 'White Chiffon'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
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Hazzard_Ad.jpgjpg Hazzard_Ad.jpg manage 37 K 07 Feb 2020 - 14:33 DavidPotembski From AIS Bulletin #239 (October 1980): 92.
Topic revision: r7 - 07 Feb 2020, DavidPotembski
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