Hybridizer Larry Gaulter --(1908-1991)

Orville Fay

Castro Valley, California, USA

Received the American Iris Society Hybridizer Award in 1978.


Border Bearded: 'Brownie Scout'.

Tall Bearded: ( A-L): 'Alexander's Ragtime Band', 'Amy Cathryn', 'Art Shades', 'Baccarat', 'Basin Street', Beacon Beam', 'Blues Singer', 'Bonneville', 'Bosky Dell', 'Cabbage Patch Kid', 'Cape Town', 'Carriage Trade', 'Cheesecake', 'Chere Amie', 'Cherry Sundae', 'Christie Anne', 'City Farmer', 'Clarendon', 'Claudia Rene', 'Co-Ed Doll', 'Coming Attraction', 'Conch Call', 'Country Squire', 'Countryman', 'Dance Revue', 'Dixie Peach', 'Drury Lane', 'Elegant Farmer', 'Elisa Renee', 'Elysian Fields', 'Fair Dinkum', 'First Reunion', 'Fleur D'Blanc', 'Foolish Pleasure', 'Glenbrook', 'Glendale', 'Gold Cadillac', 'Gold Ring', 'Grape Festival', 'Handsome Prince', 'Haviland', 'Hazy Day', 'High Sierra', 'Hilltop View', 'Hilo Shore', 'His Lordship', 'Holiday House', 'Hurricane Lamp', 'Impala', 'Inland Passage', 'Jacaranda', 'Jelly Roll', 'Jilby', 'Krugerand', 'Lace Jabot', 'Lady Chatterly', 'Laser Light', 'Last Emperor', 'Latest Love', 'Laurel Park', ''Laurie', 'Lazy Summer', 'Lighted Window', 'Lombardy',

Tall Bearded (M-Z): 'Mademoiselle', 'Many Thanks', 'Mary Frances', 'Meggie', 'Mill Valley', 'Millrace', 'Minaret', 'Mount Shuksan', 'Nob Hill', 'Normandie', 'Orchidarium', 'Orinda', 'Patches', 'Pauline Cooley', 'Penny Lover', 'People's Choice', 'Peppermint', 'Persian Berry', 'Picardy', 'Pink Vanilla', 'Port Royal', 'Portrait of Larrie', 'Prancing Pony', 'Preferred Stock', 'Prissy Miss', 'Quiet Friendship', 'Rapunzel's Tower', 'Rondetta', 'Rose', 'Ruching', 'San Leandro', 'San Ramon', 'Sierra Dawn', 'Silver Thaw', 'Skating Party', 'Sky Search', 'Smoking Volcano', 'Sorority Sister', 'Spanish Tile', 'Special Effects', 'Spring Petals', 'Step Nicely', 'Sumptuous', 'Sunrise Promenade', 'Tarlatin', 'Temple Spire', 'Terri Lynn', 'Tiburon', 'Top Gun', 'Town And Country', 'Tupelo Honey', 'Vermont', 'Victorious Voyager', 'Vinipink', 'Virginia Squire', 'Waiting Game', 'Warm Spring', 'Watered Silk', 'Wet On Wet', 'You're Special'.

See also: irisenligne (in french language by Sylvain Ruaud)

Photo: Connie Schreiner Kendall and Larry Gaulter.

other photos of Larry Gaulter: 1963.
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Connie_Sch_Kendall.jpgjpg Connie_Sch_Kendall.jpg manage 30 K 13 May 2014 - 15:20 BobPries Curtesy of Mike Lowe from original HIPS website
Topic revision: r14 - 25 Nov 2018, DavidPotembski
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