Hybridizers Max Goos & August Koenemann

Niederwalluf am Rhein, Germany

For an article about the irises introduced by this firm see the AIS Blog-- http://networkedblogs.com/r2ouf?ref=nf To view their catalogs go to Goos & Koenemann Nursery

A historic collection of writings about G&K are assembled in the G&K Chronicle sold by The Historic Iris Preservation Society (HIPS) to go to that site use http://www.hips-roots.com/visitors/v-shoppe.html.


Intermediate Bearded: 'Fritjof', 'Fro', 'Gerda', 'Halfdan', 'Hawanah', 'Helge', 'Iduna', 'Ingeborg', 'Iriskoenig/Iris King', 'Loreley', 'Mithras', 'Pfauenauge', 'Pfauenfeder','Prinzess Viktoria Luise', 'Rota', 'Vingolf', 'Walhalla'.

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Citrea', 'Compacta', 'Cyanea', 'Eburna', 'Excelsa', 'Floribunda', 'Florida', 'Formosa', 'Fylla', 'Hybrida Aurea'.

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Gajus'.

Species Hybrid: 'Pumila Hybrida'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Floribunda', 'Florida', 'Schneekuppe'.

Spuria: 'Ochroleuca Sulphurea'.

Tall Bearded: 'Aarehorst', 'Aegir', 'Alfheim', 'Argentea', 'Asa', 'Asmund', 'Balder', 'Bele', 'Berchta', 'Brising', 'Dalmarius', 'Eckesachs', 'Erek', 'Fatum', 'Flammenschwert', 'Folkwang', 'Forsete', 'Fuerstin Lonyay', 'Gandvik', 'Goldvliess', 'Havamal', 'Ilsan', 'Indra', 'Iris King/Iriskoenig', 'Ivald', 'Kastor', 'Lenzschnee', 'Lohengrin', 'Meimung', 'Nibelungen', 'Norraena', 'Nothung', 'Odenvogel', 'Pollux', 'Rheinnixe', 'Rheinelfe', 'Rheinfels', 'Rheingauperle', 'Rheinsage', 'Rheintochter', 'Rheintraube', 'Runstein', 'Schwanhilde', 'Spatha', 'Thorsten', 'Thrudwang', 'Titurel', 'Trautlieb'.
Topic revision: r17 - 27 May 2022, BrewItt
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