

Hybridizer Herbert Senior Fothergill (1902-1975)

Kent, England

From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society No. 217(April 1975): H. Senior (John) Fothergill died suddenly at his home January 18, 1975. His desk had maps and airflight schedules obscuring other less important documents as he planned for his first visit to the United States for the AIS Convention in San Diego in April. John was a professional administrator and a man of incredibly wide interest even apart from gardening. He served the British Iris Society in many capacities, including Secretary for six years, followed by a very successful term as President. A prolific writer on irises, both for publication and personal letters, he became the friend of many throughout the world through correspondence. He hybridized extensively, crossing both species and tall bearded irises. Four times his tall bearded originations were awarded the Dykes Medal for ARCADY in 1962, ANCIENT EGYPT in 1966, SHEPHERD'S DELIGHT in 1972 and MURIEL NEVILLE in 1973. A refreshing stream of wit, knowledge, support for others has ceased to flow.

Recipient of the Foster Memorial Plaque in 1956


Arilbred: 'Ray Serene', 'Silken Dalliance', 'Silken Embroidery', 'Silken Finery'.

Border Bearded: 'Cobbler's Song', 'Ethel Miller', 'Shrill Clarion', 'True Rose'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Lynwood Gold', 'Rathe Primrose', 'Ruffled Tiger'.

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Chromeling', 'Triple Time'.

Pacific Coast Native: 'Armida', 'Elfin Motley', 'Elfin Prince', 'Fairy Child', 'Fairy Cloak', 'Fairy Fay', 'Fairy Flight', 'Goblin Gold', 'Jemmy O'Goblin', 'Leprechaun', 'Sunset Dale', 'Tranquil Dale', 'Vecta'.

Spuria: 'Academus', 'Cloudless Day', 'Regency'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Cascade Sprite', 'Golden Head', 'Lime Grove', Manikin', 'Scintilla', 'Spangled Blue',

Tall Bearded: 'Aeriel', 'Ancient Amber', 'Ancient Egypt', 'Andromeda', 'Apassionata', 'Arc Above', 'Arcady', 'Betty Drake', 'Blazing Hearth', 'Burnham Beeches', 'Coral Star', 'Cumulus Ascendant', 'Dorothy Allibone', 'Dorothy King', 'Egyptian Night', 'Gertrude Collins', 'Gilded Minaret', 'Grace Abounding', 'Helen Holroyde', 'Helio Hills', 'Heraldic', 'Highland Cascade', 'Horizon', 'Il Penseroso', 'Immortal Hour', 'Isle Of Skye', 'Jean Marryat', 'Jocund Day', 'Jolly Miller', 'Lynwood Sky', 'Madge Bishop', 'Mary Pickton', 'Mountain Tops', 'Muriel Gamage', 'Muriel Neville', 'Palace Gardens', 'Pegasus', 'Prettiness', 'Purple Pomp', Red Dragon', 'Rose Of Eden', 'Ruth Brown', 'Sea Breaker', 'Seascape', 'Shepherd's Delight', 'Silken Dalliance', 'Sky Rider', 'Suncapped Hill', 'Thyatira', 'Tyrian Prince', 'Veda Brice', 'Wayward Fancies', 'White Flight', 'Winifred Dalton', 'Winifred Riley'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-17
Topic revision: r13 - 20 Dec 2021, BrewItt
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