Hybridizer Sir Michael Foster
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Scientist Sir Michael Foster
Foster, Sir Michael. (1836-1907) was an English physiologist He was born at Huntingdon. He was educated at University College School.
After graduating in medicine at the University of London in 1859. he began to practise in his native town, but in1867 he returned to London as teacher of practical physiology at University College London, where two years afterwards he became professor. In 1870 he was appointed by Trinity College, Cambridge to its praelectorship in physiology, and thirteen years later he became the first occupant of the newly-created chair of physiology in the university, holding it till 1903. One of his most famous students at Cambridge was Charles Scott Sherrington who went on to win the Noble Prize in 1932.
He excelled as a teacher and administrator, and had a very large share in the organization and development of the Cambridge biological school. From 1881 to 1903 he was one of the secretaries of the Royal Society and in that capacity exercised a wide influence on the study of biology in Britain. In 1899 he was created K.C.B. and served as president of the British Association at its meeting at Dover.
In the following year he was elected to represent the university of London in parliament. Though returned as a Unionist, his political action was not to be dictated by party considerations, and he gravitated towards Liberalism but he played no prominent part in parliament and at the election of 1906 was defeated.
His chief writings were a
Textbook of Physiology (1876), which became a standard work, and
Lectures on the History of Physiology in the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries (1901), which consisted of lectures delivered at the Cooper Medical College, San Francisco in 1900. He died suddenly in London.
Stories of
Sir Michael Foster from the June 1921 AIS Bulletin, No. 3, pages 3-13. Also in Biodiversity library
Irises he named include:
Aril: 'Leichtliniana',
Arilbred: 'Balk-Ib',
'Lady Lilford',
'Sir Dighton Probyn',
'Sir Trevor Lawrence',
Intermediate Bearded: 'Barbara';
'Blue Boy';
'Foster's Yellow';
'John Foster';
'Lady Lilford',
'Monte Baldo';
'Mrs. Horace Darwin';
Species: 'Aschersonii',
'Caucasica Kharput',
'Ewbankiana' 'Filifolia Latifolia',
'Korolkowii Concolor',
'Korolkowii Leichtliniana',
'Korolkowii Venosa',
'Reticulata Humilis',
'Sari Lurida',
Species Hybrids: 'Ib-Troy',
Spuria: 'Dorothy Foster',
'Shelford Giant',
Tall Bearded: 'Amas';
'Charles Darwin';
'Germanica Major';
'Kashmir White';
'Lady Foster';
'Miss Maggie',
'Miss Willmott';
'Monte Brione';
'Mrs Alan Gray;
'Mrs.George Darwin';
'Nine Wells';
'Serbian Major';
'Shelford Chieftain';
'Shelford Yellow';
The following also identified with Foster (with their 1939 Check List descriptions)
'Persica Isaacsoni' Jun. (Foster-1892-Farsistan); 'Taitii' Span-Y (Foster-1906-Abrantes, Portugal); 'Talyschi' DB-E-Y (Foster 1901);
BobPries - 2012-05-18