Hybridizer Bertrand Farr --(1848-1924)

Farr Nurseries Co. Weiser Park, Pa., (moved there from Wyomissing in 1925). Mr Farr was a native of Vermont but lived a great part of his life in Iowa and the final part of it in Pennsylvania. His obituary was printed in the NYBG journal.

The January 1925 AIS Bulletin, No. 14, pages 1-19, featured Bertrand Farr.


Intermediate Bearded: 'Apache', 'Brionensis', 'Comanche', 'Hiawatha', 'Leda', 'Mary Garden', 'Mary Orth', 'Navajo', 'Nokomis', 'Pocahontas', 'Rose Unique', 'Shrewsbury', 'Windham', 'Wyomissing'.

Japanese: 'Ayase-Gawa', 'Chitose-Dsuru', Cho-Cho-San', 'Conquerer', 'Daimio', 'General Nogi', 'Hakausai', 'Kimi-No-Megumi', 'Mme. Butterfly', 'Nashiva', ' Nikko', 'Nishiki-Hitome', 'Oniga-Shima', 'Perfection', 'Psyche', 'Sensation', Shimoyo-No-Tsuki', 'Shirataki', 'Sho-Jo', 'Sumida-Gawa', 'Tamaka-Miuri', 'Tuyi', 'Yamato-Yukasa', 'Yezo-Nishiki', 'Yoritome', 'Yukari-No-Iro', Uji-No-Hotaru.

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Lutea Maculata'.

Siberian: 'Alba Grandiflora', 'Grandis'.

Species:  'Foetidissima Variegata',

Spuria: 'Mrs. Tait'.

Tall Bearded: 'Aletha', 'Anna Farr', 'Bluejay', 'Brandywine', 'Catalosa', 'Cattleya', 'Cecil Minturn', 'Chester J. Hunt', 'E. L. Crandall', 'Erich', 'Georgia', 'Glory Of Reading', 'Hugo', 'Inca', 'Iroquois', 'James Boyd', 'Japanesque', 'Juniata', 'Lewis Trowbridge', 'Louis Meyer', 'Mary Gray', 'Massasoit', 'Mildred Presby', 'Minnehaha', Montezuma', 'Mount Penn', 'Oriental', 'Pauline', 'Paxatawny', 'Powhatan', 'Quaker Lady', 'Raven', 'Red Cloud', 'Richmond', 'Seagull', 'Seminole', 'Swatara', 'Tecumseh', 'Trocelestial', 'Trosuperba', 'Ute Chief', 'Wm. C. Kisner'.
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1925_01_AIS_014 Bertrand Farr.pdfpdf 1925_01_AIS_014 Bertrand Farr.pdf manage 2 MB 22 Dec 2023 - 10:44 DougChyz Bertrand Farr in the January 1925 Bulletin No. 14
Topic revision: r24 - 22 Dec 2023, DougChyz
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