Hybridizer William Rickatson Dykes (1877-1925)

For his publications see: Scientist William Rickatson Dykes

William Rickatson Dykes was a botanist, horticulturalist, teacher, plant breeder and formost authority on Irises. Raised numerous fine varieties of Irises which work was carried on by his widow after his tragic death in a motor accident. Mr. Dykes was especially interested in raising Iris species from seed, collecting many forms himself, and made a valuable collection of rare varieties from all over the world. He carried on with increasing impetus the work so ably started by Sir Michael Foster. Former schoolmaster at Charterhouse, Godalming, Secretary Royal Horticultural Society 1920-1925, author, The Genus Iris, Handbook Of Garden Irises, Iris, and other books and many articles on plants. The variety 'W. R. Dykes was raised by him but named after his death. The British Dykes Memorial Medal was founded in his honor by the Iris Society of England. He received the Victoria Medal of Honor in 1925, the Veitch Memorial Medal in 1924. (American Iris Society: Alphabetical Iris Check List 1939)

The American Iris Society Dykes Medal also named in honor of William Rickatson Dykes, as is the British Dykes Medal and French Dykes Medal.


Arilbred: 'Twilight',

Arils: 'Acutikor', 'Korola', 'Turkoman',

Minature Dwarf Bearded: 'Elenko', 'Kurdistan', 'Ladies of Peeling, 'Richard II', 'Simplicity', 'Thisbe',

Intermediate Bearded: 'Alberti Yellow, 'Aquamarine', 'Arthur Windsor', 'Brian Howell', 'Brilliant', 'Caucasian', 'Cretan', 'Cymbeline', 'Harmony', 'Rubyd'. 'Safrano', 'Sapphire', 'Srinagar', 'Tiflis'.

Pacific Coast Native: 'Dougasliana Alpha', 'Douglasiana Gladys', 'Iota', 'Merton'.

Siberian: 'Dragonfly', 'Epsilon', 'Gamma' 'Kingfisher', 'Papillon'.

Species Hybrid: 'Loptec', 'Unguicularis Peacock',

Species: 'Agrostifolia', 'Arizonica', 'Bucharica Aurea', 'Bulleyana', 'Chrysographes', 'Cristata Alba', 'Farreri', Forrestii', 'Fulvala', 'Germanica Vulgaris', 'Histrio Orthoptera', 'Histrio Atropurpurea', 'Hoogiana', 'Lactea Grandiflora', 'Mesopotamica', 'Montana, 'Ruthenica Dykesii', 'Sikkimensis, 'Tenuissima', 'Wattii Dykes', 'Xiphium Praecox',

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Thisbe',

Tall Bearded: 'Akbar', 'Amber', 'Aphrodite', 'Araminta', 'Ariadne', 'Aspacarte', 'Beltane', 'Britoness', 'Celinda', 'Charmian', 'Cloda', 'Cupavo', 'Frozen Foam', 'Gilda', 'Gold Crest', 'Harmony', 'Igraine', 'Istria', 'Khama', 'Lulworth', 'Lustre', 'Moonlight', 'Octavia', 'Olwen', 'Peerless', 'Perdita', 'Pinafore', 'Pride of Oaklawn', 'Priestess', 'Quernah', 'Refna', 'Rhadi', 'Ruby', 'Sabra', 'Sapphire'. 'Silver Mist', 'Ternissa', 'Thrill', 'Venetia', 'Virginale', 'W. R. Dykes', 'Wedgwood'. 'Zaharoon',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r44 - 07 Sep 2024, DavidPotembski
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