Hybridizer Roger Duncan (1948 - 2020)

Catheys Valley, California, USA (AIS Reg. 14)

Roger owned and operated Supersition Iris Gardens in the Catheys Valley in California with Rick Tasco, his partner of 47 years. Roger introduced only eight irises with six of them receiving an HM, three an AM and "Holywood Nights' won the Wister Medal in 2008. (exerpts from the AIS Bulletin, Spring 2020)


Tall Bearded:  'Above All the Lights', 'All Night Long', 'Arctic Burst', 'Brainstorm', 'Fantasy Ride', 'Go West', 'Hollywood Nights', 'One More Night', 'Outside The Lines', 'Shakedown',
Topic revision: r12 - 22 Nov 2023, DavidPotembski
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