
Hybridizer George Wesley Dubes (1892-1969)

Sioux City, Iowa, USA (AIS Region 21)

The many friends of George Dubes were saddened to hear of his death this last fall. He was active in the AIS convention at Sioux City in 1950, and many who attended remember his BLUE TINSEL with favor. Later his BLUE MARVEL and his REJOICE won wide favor, and his new introduction, SPRING ECHO, is attracting favorable comment. With Robert Young, he operated the Soopreme Gardens for a number of years. George had been retired for a number of years from an administrative post in the postal department, and had spent his retirement years working with irises. He was treasurer of Region 21 for many years, and Region 21 especially mourns the loss of one whom we had come to know as a real friend. [Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 197 (April 1970): 104]


Tall Bearded: 'Arctic Splendor' 1956, 'Blue Challenge' 1954, 'Blue Marvel' 1954, 'Blue Rejoice' 1962, 'Blue Tinsel' 1954, 'Commodore' 1956, 'Garden Goddess' 1956, 'Golden Cascade' 1957, 'Golden Splendor' 1957, 'Marion' 1955, 'Rejoice' 1958, 'Sheer Joy' R.1962, 'Soo Preme Sue' 1956, 'Soo Royal' R.1962, 'Spring Echo' 1967, 'Spring Mirror' 1970, 'Tap Dancer' R.1962, 'Two Step' 1967, 'Winter Song' 1961

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
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SooPremeGardens.jpgjpg SooPremeGardens.jpg manage 41 K 04 Jan 2019 - 16:27 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 158(July 1960): 101. Advertisement
Topic revision: r7 - 09 Apr 2024, BobPries
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