

Hybridizer J. Griffin Crump

Alexandria, Virginia, USA


Border Bearded: 'Against The Tide', 'Giselle', 'Molly Rouge', 'Petite Violette'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Coral Chimes', 'Faerie Court', 'Palinka', 'Sipping Chartreuse', 'Spring Again', ' Tessie The Tease''

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Droll Troll'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Blue-Eyed Elf', 'Bradán Eolais', 'Bright Sprite', 'Carmine Blanca', 'Elfin Sentinel', 'Freckled Elf', 'Glitterbug', 'Greenwinkle'. 'Hello Again', 'Hotspur', 'October Delight', 'Pesky', 'Send In The Clowns' 'Twilight Tales'.

Tall Bearded: 'Alleluia', 'At The Prom', 'Autumn Nectar, 'Black Arts', 'Blackbeard's Daughter', 'Blue Deceiver, Bold Entry', 'Bright Canary', 'Bulbul Ameer', 'Carefree Days', 'Countess Markiewicz', 'Cover Of Darkness', 'Csardas Princess', 'Deep Purple Dream', 'Depth Charge', 'Entrancing', 'Fat Lady Sings', 'Haunting', 'Hypnotist', 'I'm Bla-ack', 'La Belle d'Arcy', 'La Cumparsita', 'Lavender Interlude', 'Lezghinka', 'Lemon Squeeze', 'Lightship Orange', 'Lili Marlene', 'Lingering Touch', 'Love At First Sight', 'Low Burner', 'Lucy's Charm', Madame De Lacy', 'Maid Of Orleans', 'Night Bird', 'Orange Tie Affair', 'Poise Aplenty', 'Pooh's Dream', 'Prince Igor', 'Princess Paprika', 'Ranks Of Blue,' 'Romania, Romania', 'Romany Mood', 'Royal Pageantry', 'Second Violin', 'Space Glider', 'Spell Caster', 'Spirit of Peace', 'Stealth Fighter', 'Summer Seas', 'Tale Spinner', 'That Certain Something', 'Topkapi', 'Torchlight Parade', 'Well Appointed',
Topic revision: r52 - 28 Aug 2020, Pamina
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