


Hybridizer Dr. Philip Corliss

Somerton, Arizona, USA

Dr. Philip Corliss of Somerton, Ariz. has many interests in the Floral World and is an ardent hybridizer of numerous perennials. His friendship with the late Eric Nies inspired him to do extensive breeding of the Spuria iris and Louisiana hybrids. The two that I am introducing this year are excellent examples of his ability. White Branch is a perfectly formed white Spuria with marvelous branching and great purity of color. Porcelain Pink is a Louisiana hybrid of clear rose-pink that has a profusion of bloom and is delightful for flower arrangement. Both of these have been given high praise by judges and visitors to his garden. (Nesmith, 1958, p. 4).


Louisiana: 'Arizona Beacon', 'Arizona Crimson', 'Arizona Opal', 'Arizona Prince', 'Arizona Princess', 'Arizona Rose', 'Arizona Ruby', 'Arizona Sunrise', 'Arizona Violet', 'Mary Redford', 'Porcelain Pink'.

Spuria: 'Angel Butterfly'. 'Blue Corsage', 'Blue Mirandy', 'Blue Wadi', 'Bronze Corsage', 'Corsage Of Pharaoh', 'Dorothy Warenskjold', 'Gold And Blue', 'Gold Beacon', 'Gold Corsage', 'Gold Glory, 'Golden Bath', 'Golden Bear', 'Golden Branch', 'Golden Spur', 'Gray Treasure', 'Great Horned Butterfly', 'Grey Butterfly', 'Heart Of Blue', 'Heart Of Brown', 'Heart Of Pharaoh', 'Horned Pharaoh', 'Lady Burton', 'Marie Hunter', Marjorie Tallchief', 'Mary Sunshine', 'Nan Wolfe', 'Peg Winter', 'Pharaoh', 'Primrose Butterfly', 'Primrose Corsage', 'Ruffled Pharaoh', 'Victoria Butterfly', 'Viola Bray', 'White Ballet', 'White Branch', 'White Coin', 'White Corsage', 'White Lark'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18


Fairmount Gardens. (1958). Nursery Catalog. American Iris Society Iris Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
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