Hybridizer Jill Copeland

Jill Copeland (2).jpg Lawton, Michigan, USA

Jill Copeland won the Payne Award for the best Japanese iris in 1985 for 'Blue Marlin' and the Payne Medal in 2016 for 'John's Fancy'. She won four Randolph-Perry Medals for best Species Hybrids; 'Pixie Won' in 2005, 'For Jay' in 2012, 'Wooly Bully' in 2014, and 'Do The Math' in 2015. She won the Debaillon Medal for best Louisiana iris 'Michigan Belle' in 2019. She won four Founders of SIGNA Awards for 'Krill' in 2008, 'Seakrill' in 2011,'Jin Yu' in 2015, and 'Sushi' in 2021. She also won the Fred and Barbara Walther Cup for the most Honorable Mention (HM) votes for 'Alabama Blue Fin' in 2021. Jill Copeland was honored by the American Iris Society with the Hybridizer Award in 2012.


Japanese: 'Alexisaurus', 'Ardith Ann', 'Becky's Dream', 'Blue Marlin', 'Bob's Choice', 'Burbot', 'Calamari', 'Christina's Gown', 'Christina's Sister', 'Dace', 'Espata', 'Great Lakes Waves', 'John's Fancy', 'Kina', 'Knip Won', 'Ling', 'Little Bit Yellow', 'Nancy Queen Of Hearts', 'Pink Dace', 'Pink Puffer', 'Purple Marlin', 'Rainbow Darter', 'Ruffled White Water', 'Snook', 'Striper', 'Upson Downs', 'Wings Of Freedom', 'White Caps', 'Whiting', 'Wind Glider', 'You Won',

Lousianas: 'Memories Of Melody', 'Michigan Belle', 'Michigan In Dallas', 'Why Fie',

Species: 'Jin Yu', 'Krill', 'Seakrill', 'Sushi',

Species Hybrids: 'Alabama Blue Fin', 'Black Raspberry Sundae', 'Brock', 'Caught My Eye', 'Celia Welia', 'Do the Math', 'For Jay', 'Get The Net', 'Good Eye', 'It's A Bigun', 'Jill's Legacy', 'Lake Superior Pink Salmon', 'Lemony Snicket', 'Neat Canary', 'North to South', 'Peach Melba Burst', 'Persistence Paid Off', 'Pixie Won', 'Polly Wolly Doodle', 'Simply Cute', 'Spicy Mustard', 'Wooly Bully',

-- BobPries - 2011-07-11
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Jill Copeland (2).jpgjpg Jill Copeland (2).jpg manage 131 K 29 Dec 2022 - 16:34 BrewItt Jill Copeland with Payne Medal for JI 'John's Fancy'. Courtesy of Jim Copeland
Topic revision: r36 - 10 Oct 2024, BrewItt
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