Clarence P. Connell.jpg

Hybridizer Clarence Phillips Connell

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Clarence Phillips Connell at one time served as Superintendent of Nashville, Tennessee, Parks; later as Superintendent of Vanderbilt University Hospital. He was also a Regional Vice President of the American Iris Society. Connell was an amateur gardener and Iris breeder, and received the American Dykes Medal for 'Dauntless, in 1929.

Mrs. Thomas Nesmith, Fairmount Gardens Catalog, Lowell, Massachusetts, Summer 1942-Spring 1943.

Mr. Clarence C. Connell of Nashville, Tenn. has given us many fine iris, the most famous being 'Dauntless, probably better known throughout the world than any other iris of American origination. This year I am delighted to introduce two of his new iris that are most distinctve and of great merit. They are: 'Comrade', a bright dusty pink with a strong suffusion of gold throughout, this iris was named as a dedication to the memory of Chancellor Kirkland and Mr. Washington, and it is a splendid tribute to these two great men; 'Picotee' is not a large flower but it is the clearest blue and white plicata and has great garden value. These two iris live up to the high standard set by Mr. Connell in his introductions.


Tall Bearded: 'Aglaia', 'Alcina', 'Amrita', 'Aubade', 'Birmingham', 'Blithesome', 'Bonsor', 'Comrade', 'Dauntless', 'Fairy Gold', 'Glen Ellen', 'Hypnos', 'Krishna', 'Nepenthe', 'Parthenon', 'Petit Point', 'Picotee', 'Plum Tart', 'Radha', 'Red Bonsor', 'Rose Dominion', 'Selene', 'Surya', 'Varuna'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r10 - 03 Nov 2020, WayneMesser
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