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Hybridizer Stanley C. Clarke (1888- )¹

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA


Arilbred: 'Anita Catherine'

Louisiana: 'Rose Surprise'.

Tall Bearded: 'Anita Catherine', 'Barbarossa', 'Dona Ana', 'Duke City', 'Gold Smoke', 'La Luz', 'Peggy Jo', 'Rio Arriba'.

¹Gersdorff, Chas, Colquitt, Mrs. Walter (1946). Report of the Registrar, Additions to, and Corrections of, List of Breeders. Etc., American Iris Society Bulletin 104(January 1947);102.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r5 - 29 Sep 2020, Pamina
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