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Hybridizer John Lewis Childs

Flowerfield, Long Island, New York, USA

John Lewis Childs, Inc., probably the largest grower of Japanese Iris in America about 1929, having approximately 20 acres devoted to these plants; some of them were Japanese varieties, but many were seedlings raised in the nursery. Succeeded by Flowerfield Bulb Farm, Flowerfield. L.I., N.Y. about 1927.


Japanese: 'Agnes Reed', Airship', 'Alagoz', 'Amethyst', 'Azure', 'Bettie F. Holmes', 'Betty Jean Childs', 'Blue Belle', 'Blue Giant', 'Blue Lake', 'Bokhara', 'Carlton Childs', 'Caroline G. Childs', 'Catherine Parry', 'Chutsai', 'Clarice Childs', 'Daghastan', 'Daisy Herrington', 'Delight', 'Della', 'Dominator', 'Doris Childs', 'Eleanor Parry', 'Ethel J. Marshall', 'Fanny Hamlet Childs', 'Fascination', 'Frances E. Cleveland', 'Grace Sperling', 'Helen Wells', 'Indo', 'Ispahan', 'Jeanette Parry', 'John Francis', 'John Lewis Childs 2nd', 'Josephine Haywood', 'Kar-Khan', 'Katherine Havemayer', 'La Favorite', 'Lavender Queen', 'Lilla Cox', 'Lucie Marshall', 'Mahogany Giant', 'Margaret Hendrickson', 'Marjorie Parry', 'Mongol Khan', 'Mrs. C. T. Saxton', 'Mrs. George Stumpp', 'Mrs. J. Alexander Hayden', 'Nomyi-No-Taki', 'Norma', 'Pink Progress', 'Ripsime', 'Rose Anna', 'Rose H. Scheepers', 'Sadarabad', 'Schenley', 'Subotai', 'Tartar Prince', 'Temple Flower', 'Toledo', 'Totty's True Blue', 'Violet Beauty', 'Violet Giant', 'Violet Herrington', 'Violet Ray', 'Wister's Favorite', 'Yama Yama'.

Tall Bearded: 'Admiral Togo'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r21 - 22 Jul 2020, Pamina
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