Hybridizer Chuck Chapman

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Chuck Chapman, involved in gardening from childhood, became a member of the Canadian Iris Society (CIS) in 1986 and since that time has submitted articles for both the CIS Newsletter and AIS Bulletins, edited the former and served as a CIS director and as president between 2005 and 2006. Specific interests in genetics and dwarf iris led to a hybridizing career beginning in 1987. (CIS-N v33 n3 p3, 7-1988) (Researched by Don McQueen)


Border Bearded: 'Canadian Border', 'Dianne's Dawn', 'Eramosa Blue Bonnet', 'Eramosa Celebration', 'Eramosa Miss', 'Mount St Helens', 'Smaug',

Intermediate Bearded:  'Blueberry Flambe', 'Desert Passport', 'Eramosa Brass', 'Eramosa Stone Washed', 'Exit Tunnel', 'Pan For Gold', 'Returning Fancy', 'The Flash',

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Coral Carpet', 'Dragonite', 'Eramosa Peeper', 'Forever Violet', 'Humbug', 'Tickle Me'.

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Eramosa Cloud 'Drifter', 'Eramosa Freckles', 'Freckle's Sister', 'Iced Up', 'Just Dolly', 'Rosemary Brown'.

Species: 'Northern Valentine'.

Species Hybrids: 'Cast Ashore', 'Eternal Summer'.

Spuria: 'Doctor John Dougan'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Apache Carpet', 'Autumn Embers', 'Autumn Jester', 'B'Lou Clark', 'Bantam Prince', 'Bass Note', 'Beyond Recall', 'Black Ice', 'Black Lightning', 'Blue Hat Boy', 'Blueberry Tart', 'Bonus Baby', Burn Notice', 'Butterscotch Carpet', 'Cantique', 'Captain Kirk', 'Carpet Scentsation', 'Cherry Web', 'Chocolate Temptation', 'Co-Ed Flirt', 'Conundrum', 'Crash And Burn', 'Cream Pixie', 'Crystal Carpet', 'Cyclops', 'Dark Mistress', 'Didgeridoo', 'Dragon's Den', 'Dust Buster', 'Eramosa Enigma', 'Eramosa Gelato', 'Eramosa OJ', 'Eramosa Oompa-Loompa', 'Eramosa Phoenix', 'Eramosa Skies', 'Eramosa Snowball', 'Flight Director', 'Forever Blue', 'Forever Royal', 'Frost Baby', 'Fudge Icing', 'Fuzz Buster', 'Genesis Project', 'Grape Invader', 'Greased Lightning', 'Green Hornet', 'Gummy Bear', 'Headwaters', 'Heather Carpet', 'Iced Wine', 'In The Zone', Inspector Mickey', 'Jane's Palette', 'Juiced Up', 'Kids From Mars', 'Klingon Princess', 'Lemon On Ice', 'Leprechaun's Purse', 'Lime Scentsation', 'Limesicle', 'Little Firecracker', 'Lookout Sunshine', 'Magneto', 'Maple Madness', 'Naked Grape', 'Next Generation', 'Northern Exposure', 'Orange Daiquiri', 'Paradigm Shift', 'Party Animal', 'Persian Carpet', 'Pole Dancer', 'Royal Overtime', 'Ruby Eruption', 'Ruby Passion', 'Rumpelstiltskin', 'Ruth's Choice', 'Spirit Guide', 'Spock', 'Spring Gnome', 'Spring Parfait', 'Straight Flush', 'Stripe It Up', 'Sulu-ST', 'Summer Recall', 'Summoned Spirit', 'Tan Lines', 'Tangerine Treat', 'Toffee Time', 'Trending Blue', 'Twist Of Twilight', 'Urban Myth', 'Wee Granny Smith', 'Witch's Cauldron', 'Wizard Of Hope', 'Yellow Hornet'.

Tall Bearded: 'Artist's Palette', 'Buckskin Babe', 'Canadian Blush', 'Canadian Rerun', 'Canadian Streaker', 'Cocktail Blend', 'Cold Front', 'Eramosa Blushing Bride', 'Eramosa Heartland', 'Eramosa Lassie', 'Eramosa Peach Sorbet', 'Eramosa Ridge', 'Foggy Babe'. 'Frontier Lady', 'Garden Bride', 'Garden Princess', 'Honoured Queen', 'My White Knight', 'Plum Ringer', 'Ragtime Singer', 'Reluctant Angel', 'Sargent Preston', 'Sultan's Honey', 'Tangerine Treat', 'Taste Of Orange', 'Toasted Marshmallow', 'Twilight Cloud', 'Yukon L'il',

Sylvia Chapman, daughter of Chuck Chapman, has her own page: Sylvia Chapman

-- BobPries - 2011-03-31
Topic revision: r31 - 08 Jan 2025, BrewItt
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