France - Poilly-lez-Gien (Loiret) - See more
When succeeded his father René in 1960, he moved to his account in the region of Gien and focus on the culture of the iris. Was director of the CAYEUX S.A., honored by the American Iris Society with the Hybridizer Award in 2000. See: IRIS et BULBEUSES n°167, p. 66-69, Jean Cayeux.
Other members of the Cayeux family: Ferdinand (grandfather), Henri (great-uncle), Richard (son). See: IRIS et BULBEUSES n°134, p. 9-14, Histoire de la Maison Cayeux.
See below:
Cayeux, Jean (1969): Bulletin de la SFAI n°1, p. 7-9, Caractères d'un bon iris. Bulletin of American Iris Society, 1969, n° 193, pp. 13-14, Ferdinand Cayeux.