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Hybridizer Hilmary Catton

Hastings, New Zealand


Arilbred: 'Bird Dancer'; 'Blithe Spirit'; 'Haidee'; 'Rosie Gann', 'Wyuna Evening'.

Border Bearded: 'Jacquie J', 'Lyndal'.

Intermediate Bearded:  'Fireflush', 'Florizel', 'Lucy's Blue Silk', 'Milady Rose', 'Min Min', 'Zenda',

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Andre', 'Honey Pot', 'Lilac Cushion', 'My Little Lucy', 'Quaker Girl', 'Roemer Jener'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Amber Tips', 'Cooroolyn', 'Dark Opal', 'Haidee', 'Magic Ray', 'Sea Holly', 'Tamzin'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r19 - 29 Jan 2019, Harloiris
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