Hybridizer Edythe "Ede" Adams Burns (1909-1998¹), Mrs. Nathan

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


Miniature Dwarf: 'Empire Builder' R.1957.

Tall Bearded: 'Al A Mode', 'Apache Dancer', 'April Snow', 'Bagatelle', 'Blue Beau', 'Cakewalk', 'Candy Kisses', 'Cherry Bell', 'Cotton Town', 'Frivolous Sal', 'Ginger Peachy', 'Glory Road', 'Island Sky', 'Lady of Fashion', 'Lavender Hill', 'Lingering Lights', 'Lucy Lilt', 'My Old Flame', 'Sassy Sally', 'Sky Room', 'Sweet Canary', 'Village Belle'.

¹Find A Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 13 January 2019), memorial page for Edythe “Ede” Adams Burns (1909–1998), Find A Grave Memorial no. 137738113, citing Mound Cemetery, Brooklyn Center, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA ; Maintained by SPalmberg (contributor 48405112) .
Topic revision: r4 - 13 Jan 2019, DavidPotembski
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