Hybridizer Samuel W. Burchfield (1870-1928)

Huron Valley Iris Gardens, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Owner of a tailoring business, he was an authority on Iris, a specialist and breeder, being particularly interested in the Dwarf forms. Catalogue began 1924. (American Iris Society Alphabetical Iris Check List 1939)

A Short piece about Sam Burchfield from the January 1929 AIS Bulletin, page 68.

A lengthy article about Mr. Burchfield appears in the AIS Bulletin #36(July 1930), pp 4-12.


Intermediate Bearded: 'Obadiah'.

Louisiana: 'Huron Regent'.

Minature Dwarf Bearded: 'Baby Mine', 'Burchfield', 'Buzzer', 'Danny Boy', 'Endymion', 'Harbor Lights', 'Huron Imp', 'Judy', 'Placid', 'Lady Bird', 'Moqueto', 'Quaint', 'Reflection', 'Silver Elf', 'Sonny', 'Urchin', 'Wendy', 'Zobeida'.

Siberian: 'Weathered Sibirica',

Tall Bearded: 'A. J. Muehlig', 'Ghandi', 'Gray Voile', 'Guileless','Harvestone'. 'Huron Wile', 'Joshua', 'Lady Lillian', 'Lorna Doone', 'Maid Huron', 'Meadow Lark', 'Milleress', 'Shiawassee', 'Winona',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r15 - 04 Jan 2024, DougChyz
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