Hybridizer Ruth Broddy

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mrs.C.B. Broddy, (1899-19 ), and her neighbour, Mrs.Eva Bartlett, became part of the organizing group which created the Canadian Iris Society. (CIS-N v22 n1 p19) (Researched by Don McQueen)

Mrs. Broddy was a friend and neighbour of Mrs. Bartlett. Both were interested in iris and joined the A.I.S. in the early 40's. Both did some hybridizing just before the Canadian Society was organized but they played an improtant role in the formation of the Society and in its early success. Mrs. Broddy registered three iris in 1944. These were 'Giant Orchid', an orchi d bitone; 'Goldbeam', a medium yellow self; and 'Lavender Gem', a light orchid blend with the same parentage as 'Giant Orchid'. There is another iris by the name of 'Ruth Broddy', a yellow brown blend. This however was not an origination of Mrs. Broddy, but a Miles' origination named in her honour. Mrs. Broddy remained active in the Society until the mid-fifties when she found it necessary to give up her home and garden. (CIS newsletter, v26 n2)


Tall Bearded: 'Giant Orchid', 'Gold Beam', 'Lavender Gem'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r6 - 23 Apr 2024, BrewItt
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