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Hybridizer Jack Boushay (1938-2020) & Lynn Boushay

Cashmere, Washington, USA


Border Bearded: 'Cabana Fire', 'Extol Peace', 'Gazebo', 'Impelling', 'Impetuous', 'Turbo Mauve'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Appleblossom Pink', 'BattleShout', 'Pharaohs Daughter', 'Righteous', 'Virtuous'.

Minature Dwarf Bearded: 'Baby Blue Eyes', 'Petite Blush', 'Pixie Pink', 'Razz', 'Rumpus', 'Strawberry Cream',

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Parturient'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Acceleration' , 'Babushka', 'Be Dazzled', 'Blue Buttons', 'Blue On Blue', 'Byword', 'Chariots', 'Cherub Tears', 'Easy Strolling', 'Enchanted Gold, 'Fantasy Isle', 'Free Spirit', 'Gentle Grace', 'Gleanings', 'Hoodwink', 'Hooligan', 'Hyper', 'Inscription', 'Ishmael', 'Little Amigo', 'Love Lisa', 'Mandy', 'Orcas Island', 'Quiet Lagoon', 'Rose Room', 'Sensuous Doll', 'Summer Nights', 'Warm Gaiety', 'Yearnings', 'Zowie'.

Tall Bearded: 'Added Praise', 'Anointed', 'Bandstand', 'Blushing Lemon', 'Bridal Passion', 'Captive Fantasy', 'City Of David', 'Clouds of Gold', 'Consuming Fire', 'Discretion', 'Emmanuel', 'Enduring Love', 'Eulogy', 'Flamboyant Dream', 'Frivolous Idea', 'Hurley Burley', 'Jubil Heart', 'Land of Judah', 'Lovely Lovely', 'Lynn With Love', 'Master Designer', 'Modest Valour', 'New Covenant', 'Praise the Lord', 'Quiescent', 'Quiet Kingdom', 'Really Wild', 'Reckoning', 'Red Ginger', 'Royal Dapper', 'Sahalee', 'Salutation', 'Semi Ah Moo', 'Song Sung Blue', 'Sugar Bear', 'Touch of Glory'. 'Vivacious Miss',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r22 - 14 Mar 2021, Harloiris
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