Hybridizer Arthur John Bliss (1860-1931)

Tavistock, Devon, England

Amateur, scientific breeder of Iris, Gladioli and Daffodils. Famous as the raiser of 'Dominion' and the 'Dominion' race of Irises. Perhaps we owe more to him than any other breeder of Irises, being one of the first to keep strict records and his "loyalty to the vision of perfection" Among his greatest productions are 'Bruno', 'Mrs. Valerie West', 'Romola', 'Cardinal', 'Grace Sturtevant', 'Carfax', 'Susan Bliss', and 'Duke Of Bedford'.

Reference: The April 1932 issue of the AIS Bulletin was devoted to information about Bliss

For more information about historic Irises see The Historic Iris Society.


Intermediate Bearded: 'Gnome', 'Knysna', 'Lavengro', 'Leander', 'Marsh Marigold.

Minature Tall Bearded: 'Tom Tit'.

Tall Bearded: 'Alma', 'Altiora', 'Amulet', 'Aragon', 'Argonaut', 'Assyrian', 'Azure', 'Benbow', 'Berenice', 'Bertrand', 'Beryl', 'Blue Bird', 'Blue Lagoon', 'Bruno', 'Buccaneer', 'Camelot', 'Canopus', 'Caporal', 'Caradon', 'Cardinal', 'Carfax', 'Centurion', 'Citronella', 'Clematis', 'Colonna', 'Commodore', 'Conchobar', 'Cresset', 'Cretonne', 'Cydonia', 'Daphne', 'Diadem', 'Dimity', 'Dolores', 'Dominion', 'Dora Longdon, 'Dorman', 'Drake', 'Du Guesclin', 'Duke of Bedford', 'Dusky Maid', 'E H Jenkins', 'Evadne', 'Faith', 'Francina', 'Freda', 'Gabriel', 'Glamour', 'Glitter', 'Grace Sturtevant', 'Grenville', 'Gules', 'Harbinger', 'Hawthorne', 'Hester Prynne', 'Hilda', 'Hilderbrand', 'Hyperion', 'Isis', 'Lady Byng', 'Lancelot', 'Lurline', 'Lynette', 'Majestic, 'Margaret Moor', 'Maximilian', 'Midas', 'Moa', 'Morwell', 'Mrs. Cowley', 'Mrs. Tinley', 'Mrs. Valerie West', 'Mystic', 'Paladin', 'Palmyra', 'Patrician', 'Pendragon', 'Phyllis', 'Phyllis Bliss', 'Pioneer', 'Princess Orsa', 'Princess Toto', 'Raleigh', 'Red Admiral', 'Rialto', 'Robin', 'Rodney', 'Romany', 'Romola', 'Rose Salterne', 'Rosalba', 'Rosalind', 'Roseway', 'Rotorua', 'Russet', 'Samite', 'Saranac', Sardonyx', 'Senlac', 'Sentinel', 'Sintram', 'Sonora', 'Sudan', 'Suffren', 'Susan Bliss', 'Swazi', 'Sweet Lavender', 'Syphax', 'Tamar', 'Tangiers', 'Tartarin', 'Tenebrae', 'Titan', 'Tom Tit', 'Tristram', 'Vanessa', 'Viking', 'Yoeman', 'Zulu'.
Topic revision: r34 - 30 Nov 2022, BrewItt
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