

Hybridizer Paul Black

Paul Black, the person Milwaukie, Oregon, USA

Paul Black is a much honored hybridizer and formerly co-owner (with Tom Johnson) of Mid-America Iris Garden in Salem, Oregon. He has won the Caparne-Welch Medal for the best Miniature Dwarf Bearded nine times: 'Black Olive' in 2023, 'Elf Esteem' in 2021, 'Beetlejuice' in 2019, 'Cute As A Button' in 2017, 'Dollop Of Cream' in 2012, 'Chemistry' in 2010, 'Dinky Circus' in 2004, 'Cinnamon Apples' in 1996, and 'Spot Of Tea' in 1995. He has been an eight time winner of the Cook-Douglas Award for the best Standard Dwarf Bearded; 'Eye Of The Tiger' in 2014, 'Wish Upon A Star' in 2013, 'Bluebeard's Ghost' in 2012, 'Fires Of Fiji' in 2011, 'Puddy Tat' in 2009, 'Cat's Eye' in 2008, 'Pumpin' Iron' in 1996, and 'Chubby Cheeks' in 1991. Mr. Black has been awarded the Knowlton Medal for the best Border Bearded five times; 'Lady Of The Night' in 2014, 'Bundle Of Love' in 2013, 'Crow's Feet' in 2012, 'Fleece As White' in 2011' and 'Go For Bold' in 2007. He also received the Sass Medal twice for best Intermediate Bearded; 'Dazzling' in 2014, and 'Nickel' in 2012. Additionally Paul has earned the Walther Cup for the greatest number of votes in the Honorable Mention voting four times; the Ben Hager Cup three times, and the President's Cup. Paul was also honored by the American Iris Society with the Hybridizer Award in 2002 followed with a Hybridizers Medal Winners feature by Thomas Johnson in the April 2003 AIS Bulletin. He has also won international competitions, placing first in the Premio Firenze in Florence, Italy, in 2002 for 'Dude Ranch'. He received the Bennett C. Jones Award for Outstanding Median Hybridizing in 2009 from the Median Iris Society. You can see the MIS summary of his contributions here on their website. In 2022 he received the British Iris Society Hybridizers Award.

[Mr. Black also won the Premio Firenze in 2005 for his Iris 'Tom Johnson'.]
Also see: "Créateurs d'iris: Paul Black et Mid America Garden" in IRIS et BULBEUSES: n°170, 2020, pp. 14-17.

Registrations and Introductions

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2003_04_AIS 2002 Paul Black Hybridizer Award.pdfpdf 2003_04_AIS 2002 Paul Black Hybridizer Award.pdf manage 1 MB 19 May 2023 - 21:25 DougChyz Paul Black Hybridizer Award
PBlack.jpgjpg PBlack.jpg manage 61 K 15 Dec 2010 - 15:23 AdamCordes PBlack -- Region 6 Spring Meeting, 2007
Topic revision: r540 - 24 Aug 2024, BobPries
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