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Hybridizer William Phillip Aylett (1893-1950)

The "Mango" Apiaries and Nurseries, Mangoplah, via Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.


Arilbred: 'Bird of Paradise'; 'Bolt of Thunder'; 'British Empire','British Queen', 'Mohrdyke', 'Mt. Kosciusko', 'Try Again', 'Vanguard'.

Intermediate: 'Garnet And Copper', 'Lady In Gold'.

Tall Bearded A-K: 'A. Richard', 'Adelaide', 'Adelaide Centennial', 'Albury Queen', 'Alice Hinkley', 'AlisterClark', 'Althea Sullivan', 'Australian Gold', 'Australian Sunset', 'Batlow Beauty', 'Bert Hinkler', 'Bird Of Paradise', 'Black Magician', 'Black Opal', 'Black Wonder', 'Brazen Sky', 'Brisbane', C.J.P. Ulm', 'Canberra', 'Capt. Anthony Eden', 'Carbon Copy', 'City Of Armidale', 'City Of Hobart', 'City Of Sidney', 'City Of Wagga Wagga', 'Crimson Glory', 'Daisy Stapleton', 'Dolly Walker', 'Don Bradman', 'Duchess of Edinburgh', 'Duchess of Gloucester', 'Duke of Edinburgh', 'Duke of Gloucester', 'E. M. Gissing', 'Edmondson VC', 'Eveleen Stanton', 'Fannie E. Bullivant', 'Firetail', 'G. Errey', 'General Sir Thomas Blamey', 'Gladys Moncrief', 'Goodgracious', 'Gracy Fields', 'H. E. Gissing', 'Helen Martin', 'Iris M. Ball', 'Jamaica Jewel', 'Jean Batten', Jean Nesbett', 'Jimmy Melrose', K. D. Parmenteur', 'Kalgoorlie Gold', 'Katherine Murphy', 'King Geo. VI',

Tall Bearded L-Z: 'Lady Gowrie', 'Lal Barge', 'Leonie Sullivan', 'Lime Green'. 'Lime Sulphur', 'Lord Gowrie', 'Lord Melbourne', 'Louis Wheeler', 'M. E. Finn Lusher', 'M. E. Wood', 'Melbourne Centennial', 'Miss Australia'. 'Miss K. Hunt', 'Miss Paul', 'Miss Virgy Creasy', 'Miss Wise', 'Moreton Bay', 'Mother Machree', 'Mottled Cream', 'Mount Lofty', 'Mrs. Alistair Nash'. 'Mrs. Joan Tom', 'Mrs. R. E. Aylett', 'Nalita', 'Orange Drops', 'Orange Supreme', 'P. F. Aylett', 'Pamela Wilson', 'Pink Beauty', 'Pink Orchid', 'President Roosevelt', 'Pride Of Wagga', 'Princess Margaret Rose', 'Purity', 'Queen Elizabeth', 'Red Letter Day', 'Ron Hore', 'Seascud', 'Spotts', 'Sylvia MacDonald', 'T. C. Black', 'T. P. Errey', 'The Duke', 'The Melba', 'Thomas W. Pockett', 'Tigrid', 'V For Victory', 'Victory Bells', 'Victory V', 'Wagga Queen', 'Welcome Nugget', 'Westralia', 'White Australia', 'Wm. P. Aylett'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r18 - 29 Sep 2020, Pamina
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