Hybridizer Lloyd Austin --(1898-1963)
Obituary:Countless thousands of iris lovers the world around have found fun and high adventure in the pages of the colorful catalog from
Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens at Placerville, California. It reflects the personality of its author, Lloyd Austin, whose boundless creative imagination led him to adventuresome experiment, to seek the unique and unknown, and with daring and courage to introduce new, and sometimes startling, creations to the conventional iris world.
....Lloyd Austin was born in Westfield, Massachusetts, in 1898. After service in World War I, he became an instructor at the University of California's College of Agriculture at Davis, in the Pomology Department. In 1925, he became the first director of the Institute of Forest Genetics at Placerville. For a time just prior to the establishment in 1946 of his own Rainbow Hybridizing Gardens, he was associated with the late Carl Salbach in Berkeley.
....As a plant breeder, Lloyd Austin's achievements were monumental. He perhaps more than anyone else was responsible for promoting wide interest in the exotic and difficult aril species. He imported them from the world's far corners in great quantities. He conducted extensive breeding and cultural experiments to develop them into garden plants. His manuals on their habits and culture are basic reference for aril enthusiasts. He introduced many named forms of regelias and oncocyclus species, and exotically beautiful hybrids. Honorable Mentions were awarded his 'Persian Lace' in 1956 and 'Persian Bronze' in 1957. His lovely, nearly true gold oncobred, 'Real Gold', is one of the most popular of its type. He discontinued the large-scale growing of the arils in the late 1950's but remained an enthusiastic supporter in affairs of the Aril Society, International. Those privileged to view his magnificent exhibit of these strange and beautiful irises during the 1956 Convention in Los Angeles surely will never forget them.
....Lloyd's accomplishments in development of reblooming irises are noteworthy, and it was largely through his effort that iris lovers throughout the world became attracted to them. Among his introductions are 'Autumn Princess', 'Blue Surprise', 'December Royalty', and 'Thanksgiving Firelight'.
....When small, horn-like protuberances began to turn up on some of his seedlings, Lloyd became intrigued. He pursued the adventure until he developed the first truly horned iris,
'Unicorn', which was a sensation among collectors of odd and unusual irises. His work in this line led him to develop the famous Space Age irises, the spooned and flounced creations which cause much attention wherever they are seen. Among these are
'Spooned Premiere',
'Flounced Loveliness' and
'Flounced Premiere'.
....In the past couple of years Lloyd had begun to reduce the scope of his large commercial garden and planned to continue with a smaller, less demanding one. On February 7th, Lloyd Austin passed away suddenly of an acute heart occlusion. He is survived by his wife, Gladys, two daughters and a son, and nine grandchildren. Mrs. Austin will carry on the operation of the garden this year and introduce the latest Austin irises to the public.
Photograph of Mr. Austin was taken in the Fred DeForest garden, Canby, Oregon, May 21, 1960.
April 1963
Aril: 'Bagdad Beauty',
'Blue Joy',
'Bronze Satyr',
'Decorated Blue Beard',
'Decorated Delight',
'Decorated Giant',
'Judean Beauty Spot',
'Judean Bonnet',
'Judean Bronze',
'Judean Charmer',
'Judean Cream',
'Judean Harmony',
'Judean Raven',
'Judean Silver',
'Late Amethyst',
'Our Suzy',
'Persian Brass',
'Persian Bronze',
'Persian Damask',
'Persian Dusk',
'Persian Embroidery',
Persian Lace',
'Persian Pansy',
'Persian Violet',
'Purple Pixie',
'Real Ebony',
'Real Harmony',
'Red, White And Blue',
'Turkish Delight',
'Turkish Topaz'.
Arilbred: 'Blue Abalone',
'Bright Pastel',
'Calico Gown',
'Deep Crimson',
'Giant Clematis',
'Giant Mohr',
'Gold of Ophir',
'Golden Butterfly',
'Green Duchess',
'Lemon Silk',
'Magic Light',
'Marbled Snow',
'Miss Mohr',
'Mohr Elegance',
'Persian Mohr',
'Pink Marble',
'Pink Mohr',
'Real Gold',
'Red Joppa',
'Scarlet Butterfly',
'Sultan's Favorite',
'Tropic Orchid',
'True Gold'.
Border Bearded: 'Gold Intensity',
'Jaunty Jerry',
'Orange Twotone',
'Spurred Premiere',
'Wizard of Oz'.
Intermediate Bearded: 'Gold Intensity',
'Golden Butterfly',
'Orange Twotone',
'Pink Dove'.
'Bluish Elongated',
'Decorated Delight',
'Korolkowii Brown and Green',
'Korolkowii Pink',
'Light Marbled'.
Tall Bearded: (A-G): 'Arctic Blush',
'Autumn Blue',
'Autumn Cavalier',
'Autumn Delight',
'Autumn Orchid',
Autumn Princess',
'Autumn Rosemist',
'Autumn Rosycheeks',
'Black Flare',
'Black Hope',
''Black Sultan',
'Blaze of Blue',
'Blue Everbloomer',
'Blue Intensity',
'Blue Surprise',
'Bold Giant',
'Bountiful Beauty',
'Bright Fuchsia',
'Brilliant Rose',
'Chestnut Cheeks',
'Christmas Snow',
'Claret Mahogany',
'Color Riot',
'Cream Magic',
'Crimson Beauty',
'Crimson Colossus',
'Crimson Lace',
'Crimson Repeater',
'Dark Mystery',
'December Dawn',
'December Garnet',
'December Royalty',
'Double Duty',
'Double Horn',
'Double Rose',
'El Dorado Beauty',
'El Dorado Maid',
'Exotic Fire',
'Fabulous Fringes',
'Fall Fire',
'Fall Flamingo',
'Fall Frills',
'Fall Sunshine',
'Fall Surprise',
'Fancy Bright',
'Fancy Flare',
'Fancy Velvet',
'First Snowfall',
'Flaming Gold',
'Flaming Snow',
'Flounced Fantasia',
'Flounced Frivolite',
'Flounced Loveliness',
'Flounced Marvel',
'Flounced Premiere',
'Flounced Spoon',
'Flying Repeater',
'Fringed Flounce',
'Fringed Rose',
'Fringed Spoon',
'Gersdorff-Sass Hybrid,
'Glorious Two-Timer',
'Gold Bullion',
'Gold Castle',
'Gold Discovery',
'Gold of Autumn',
'Gold of Ophir',
'Golden Ballet',
'Golden Unicorn',
'Green Jungle',
'Green Premiere',
'Green Unicorn',
Tall Bearded (H-Z): 'Horned Amethyst',
'Horned Color Gem',
'Horned Dragonfly',
'Horned Flamingo',
'Horned Flare',
'Horned Lace',
'Horned Mystery'.
'Horned Papa',
'Horned Pink',
'Horned Rosyred',
'Horned Royalty',
'Horned Rubyfalls',
'Horned Skylark',
'Horned Tangerine',
'Horned Tantalizer',
'Horned Tracery',
'Horned Twotone',
'Jack Horner',
Jumbo Flounce',
'Jumbo Rose',
'Lacy Lantern',
'Lemon Spoon',
'Lucky Flounce',
'Magic Rosette',
'Mars Preview',
'Mulberry Snow',
'Olive Orchid',
'Orange Flounce',
'Pink Flare',
'Pink Maid',
'Pink Pinafore',
'Pink Spoon',
'Pink Symphony',
'Pink Tassel'.
'Pink Unicorn',
'Placer Maid'.
'Plumed Delight',
'Pride of Summer',
'Red Gold',
'Red Mahogany',
'Red Unicorn',
'Rip Van Winkle',
'Rose Delight',
'Rose Spoon'.
'Royal Damsel'.
'Scarlet Adventure',
'Scarlet Beauty',
'Scarlet Butterfly',
'Scarlet Tiger',
'Sierra Sunset',
'Snowy Redbeard',
'Spoon of Gold',
'Spooned Blaze',
'Spooned Delight',
'Spooned Fantom',
'Spooned Flamingo',
'Spooned Harmony',
'Spooned Lace',
'Spooned Premiere',
'Spooned Sampler',
'Sunset Flame',
'Super Flounce',
'Super Frill',
'Super Lace',
'Tangerine Carnival',
'Tangerine Cream',
'Tangerine Snow',
'Thanksgiving Firelight',
'White Unicorn',
'Winged Fuchsia',
'Wings of Flight',
'Winter Flame',
'Winter Giant',
'Winter Gold',
'Yellow Eagle'.