France - Hyères (Var). She started working at Iris en Provence with her parents (1980s) before taking over the management of the nursery in 2005. She retired in 2022 (october).
Since 2013, she is vice-president of SFIB.
Other members of the Anfosso family: Monique (mother), Pierre (father), Pierre-Christian (brother), Marin (son).
See below:
Anfosso, Laure (1978): IRIS et BULBEUSES numéro double, printemps 1978, p. 5-6, William Rickatson Dykes - republished IRIS et BULBEUSES n°171 (2021), p. 20-21.
Interested in French irises ? Please visit: Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses - SFIB
| website (french language).
-- AlainFranco - 2011-07-08