Hybridizer J. Terry Aitken

Vancouver, Washington, USA

Gold Medal awarded 2011

Terry Aitken is owner of Salmon Creek Garden in Vancouver, Washington; moving to that location in 1978. Terry has been active in the American Iris Society in a number of positions; as past President and past Editor of the AIS Bulletin. Terry Aitken has received numerous honors for his work with Irises, including the American Iris Society Hybridizer Award in 1996. He also received the AIS Distinguished Service Medal, Gold Medal for service to AIS, and the Foster Memorial Plaque in 2008, awarded by the British Iris Society. He is also active in the American Orchid Society. He received the Bennett C. Jones Award for Outstanding Median Hybridizing in 2010 from the Median Iris Society. You can see the MIS summary of his contributions here on their website.TerryandBarbara Aitken.jpg


Border Bearded: 'Art Festival', 'Autumn Peach', 'Banana Royale', 'Banded Gold', 'Banded Rose', 'Border Baby', 'Buoyant Spirit', 'Caramel Dip', 'Clearly Pink', 'Coconut Frosty', 'Cosmic Delight', 'Cranapple', 'Crispy Critter', 'Cut Above', 'Dark Harmony', 'Darktop Strutter', 'Early Harvest', 'Fashion Leader', 'Genes R Us', 'Hasta La Vista', 'Island Charm', 'Kona Blush', 'Kona Nights', 'Lost In Space', 'Love Power', 'Maid of Orange', 'Maui Dawn', 'Maui Magic', 'Maui Surf', 'Orange Fluorescence', 'Papaya', 'Pass the Pepper', 'Red Delight', 'Sea Cadet', 'Sprint', 'Sunny Glow', 'Tropical Punch', 'Twilight Passage', 'Vision Of Lovely',

Intermediate Bearded: 'Angel Heart', 'Angelwalker', 'August Treat', 'Bubbly Blue', 'Champagne Encore', 'Chilly Willy', 'Cinnamon Flash', 'Dark Waters', 'Destiny's Dream', 'Double Your Fun', 'Ever Cool', 'Extreme Orange', 'Fast Forward', 'Flambe', 'Flashy Dude', 'Fresh Insight', 'Hellcat', 'Hot Spice', 'I'll Be Back', 'Jack of Clubs', 'Levity', 'Many Mahalos', 'Maui Gold', 'Maui Moonlight', 'Night Shift', 'Orange Whiskers', 'Pacer', 'Patches On Parade', 'Pink Pele', 'Raindance Kid', 'Rimaround', 'Smitten Kitten', 'Snowcone', 'Waxen Image',

Japanese: 'Alpine Majesty', 'Asian Tapestry', 'Asian Warrior', 'Blue Blue Heaven', 'Butterflies In Flight', 'Cascade Crest', 'Dark Spell', 'Dino', 'Electric Glow', 'Electric Rays', 'Essence Of Summer', 'Foolish Fantasy', 'Indigo Delight', 'Ink On Ice', 'Lady In Pink', 'Midnight Fireworks', 'Midnight Stars', 'Night Angel', 'Pink Ringlets', 'Pure Emotion', 'Raspberry Glow', 'Red Repeater', 'Red Ringlets', 'Red Tessa', 'Rivulets of Wine', 'Rolling Seas', 'Ruby Star', 'Sandsation', 'Second Wave', 'Sprinkled Pink', 'Tessa Dark Eyes',

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Aquadoodle', 'Be Little', 'Boink', 'Brite Mite', 'Chocolate Chips', 'Chubby Cherub', 'Dex', 'Fairy Firefly', 'Gecko', 'Grapelet', 'Hot Buttons', 'Hot Coals', 'Hot Tip', 'Orange Squeeze', 'Pink Blessing', 'Pink Blink', 'S'More', 'Sparky', 'Sun Dabs', 'Tiny Beacon', 'Tiny Titan',

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Apricot Drops', 'Coral Caper', 'Delightful Delany', 'Fire Up', 'Marvelous Max', 'Maui Mango',

Pacific Coast Native: 'Almost Wild', 'Coastal Glow', 'Gamay', 'Lunar Eclipse', 'Midnight Marvel', 'Pacific Frost', 'Pacific Glaze', 'Pacific Pixie', 'Pacific Snowball', 'Pacific Tapestry',

Siberian: 'Bat Wings', 'Burgundy Fireworks', 'Cream Of the Crop', 'Crimson Cloisonne', 'High Di', 'Majestic Overtures', 'Moonstone Marvel', 'Pacific Sea Hawk', 'Reddy Or Not', 'Sun Princess', 'Veins All Over', 'Wall Street Blues',

Species: 'Born to Be Wild', 'Burgundy Blush',

Species Hybrids: 'Kurokawa-Noh', 'Roy's Baby', 'Roy's Lines', 'Roy's Repeater',

Spuria: 'Admiral's Braid', 'Best Kept Secret', 'Cast of Green', 'Cast of Walnut', 'Dark Starry Nights', 'Hot Chili', 'Lilting Lavender', 'Royal Coat', 'Steely Don',

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Absolute Joy', 'Autumn Surge', 'Be Happy', 'Beat Goes On', 'Bennett's Legacy', 'Bennett's Star', 'Blend of Blue', 'Blue Bauble', 'Break Dancing', 'Brilliant Bauble', 'Brushstrokes', 'Buckeye Blue', 'Butter Rings', 'Butterfly Beacon, 'Cherry Flirt', 'Cherry Tart', 'Chocolate Fondue', 'Chocolate Treat', 'Cinnamon Candy', 'Cool Margurita', 'Counting Sheep', 'Cream Baby', 'Custom Jewel', 'Dream Seeker', 'Easy Does It', 'Eclipse Of The Sun', 'Exotic Blend', 'Fairy Fireworks', 'Fiesta Flame', 'Fire Coral', 'Flirting Again', 'Fourth of July Kid', 'Golden Ringlets', 'Gold Reward', 'Grape Cordial', 'Happy Dance', 'Here Come the Clowns', 'Honey Dip', 'Island Sunrise', 'Jade Jewels', 'Jade Maid', 'Joe Cool', 'Jungle Gem', 'Jungle Warrior', 'Lemon Rings', 'Let It Snow', 'Lime Pixie', 'Lime Smoothy', 'Low Life', 'Lucky Duck', 'Lumalite', 'Luminaire', 'Maui Sunrise', 'Mikey Likes It', 'Near Myth', 'Ninja Turtles', 'Orange Chips', 'Orange Cordial', 'Peach Cooler',.'Peanut Butter And Honey', 'Pele', 'Perpetual Indulgence', 'Pinch Me', 'Pink Latte', 'Purple Zinger', 'Quicken', 'Raindance Returns', 'Ripple Chip', 'Salmonberry', 'Sam', 'Samson', 'Sea Urchin', 'Seadancer', 'Senor Frog', 'Spring Into Summer', 'Totally Cool', 'Windbeam',

Tall Bearded: 'Abundant Blue', 'Advanced Features', 'Alabaster Lace', 'Angel Of The Dawn', 'Anticipation Rose', 'Arctic Encore', 'Autumn Sunburst', 'Awesome Blue Sky', 'Battlestar Atlantis', 'Beam Me Up Scotty', 'Black Cherry Blast', 'Blue Persuasion', 'Bluer Than Blue', 'Blush Of Blue', 'Blush of Pink', 'Bon Appetit', 'Bronze Peacock', 'Butter Crisp', 'Cabbage Patch', 'Cappuccino Lace', 'Cardinal Expression', 'Cascadian Skies', 'Casual Elegance', 'Celtic Woman', 'Chariots of Fire', 'Cherry Fudge', 'Chianti Classic', 'Code Blue', 'Code Red', 'Color Fusion', 'Color Me Cool', 'Concession', 'Copper Fusion', 'Crackling Caldera', 'Cranberry Crush', 'Cranberry Delight', 'Crimson Radiance', 'Crystal Angel', 'Deliciously Different', 'Delightful Woman', 'Early Harvest', 'Eruption', 'Evening Silk', 'Flaming Lava', 'Fly With Me', 'Friendly Seas', 'Frost Echo', 'Frosty Moonscape', 'Gently Does It', 'Got Milk', 'Got the Power', 'Gracious Me', 'Great Balls of Fire', 'Gyro', 'Haida Dancer', 'Harbor Breeze', 'Heart's Afire', 'Highland Games', 'Honey Mustard', 'Ida's Delight', 'Island Pearl', 'Island Surf', 'Jungle Princess', 'Lace Artistry', 'Laced Halo', 'Lasting Romance', 'Lava Love', 'Love Is All Around', 'Martha's Gold', 'Mystic Lace', 'Night Flame', 'Night Navigator', 'Noble Spirit', 'Nut and Honey', 'Ocean Quest', 'Orange Titan', 'Orbiter', 'Peach Mocha', 'Pink Fizz', 'Private Reserve', 'Quiet Elegance', 'Raku Blaze', 'Raku Rogue', 'Rapid Fire', 'Reach For the Sun', 'Red Triumph', 'Rocket Woman', 'Sea Wolf', 'Seize the Sizzle', 'Soft Sensation', 'Stately Art', 'Stellar Lights', 'Summer Sunburst', 'Sunny Morning', 'Tall Ships', 'Tan Man', 'Tropical Evening', 'Walking Tall', 'Winterbourne',
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TerryandBarbara Aitken.jpgjpg TerryandBarbara Aitken.jpg manage 128 K 23 Dec 2022 - 01:41 DavidPotembski Scanned by David Potembski from AIS Bulletin #295 (Oct. 1994), p. 28.
Topic revision: r93 - 19 Dec 2024, DougChyz
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