

You are here: Iris Wiki>Main Web>AdmAll (04 Nov 2020, BobPries)Edit Attach

Admin for Iris Docents and Admins

For each class or group of cultivars, there is an insert that is included at the bottom of each cultivar page. If you change the insert, the changed version will appear for all cultivars of that class. To edit the insert for each class:

Aril Insert, Arilbred Insert, Border Bearded Insert, Intermediate Bearded Insert, Japanese Insert, Louisiana Insert, Miniature Dwarf Bearded Insert, Miniature Tall Bearded Insert, Pacific Coast Native Insert, Siberian Insert, Species Insert, Species Hybrids Insert, Spurias Insert, Standard Dwarf Bearded Insert, Tall Bearded Insert

Other info or lists Note these lists probably are only counting before the Iris Encyclopedia was reorganized. Go to the individual webs on the left menu and find the count on the first page of that web rather than the below items.:


Main Web Utilities

Topic revision: r28 - 04 Nov 2020, BobPries
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