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(La) 'Pallidirosea'

1931, Alexander

'Pallidirosea' ( Edward Johnston Alexander, R. 1931). Vinicolores Section; Color Code-S4L; "Flower-stalk erect, strict and rigid: sepals spreading 7-8 cm. long, the claw pale, creamy-yellow, veined darker yellow, the blade extremely pale-pinkish, flushed rather irregularly with buff and with a median band of buff, the crest orange-yellow, brown-orange tipped, 2 or 3 laterals of light yellow forming a broad triangular crest zone; petals the same color as the sepal blade with the channel light brown-orange, the claw wings pale-yellow: style-branches pale-yellow faintly flushed pinkish on the sides; appendages flushed pinkish, irregularly toothed: anther-tips slightly exserted."-Small (1931) in Bot. Int. Irid. Pl, Gulf States 347 N.Y. 1931. [Collected Louisiana Iris].

Synonym: Iris × violipurpurea 'Pallidirosea'

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-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r5 - 01 Feb 2022, Harloiris
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