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(JI) Japanese Iris - B

■(JI) 'Ba Mian Ling Long' 2022, Yu 'Ba Mian Ling Long' (Wei Xiao Yu, R. 2022) Seedling 22 20, JI (8 falls), 17" (43 cm), Early bloom. Style arms white (RHS NN15...
r10 - 04 Mar 2023 - 16:32 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Balet Balet Balet' 2019, Zoya Dolganova 'Balet Balet Balet' Балет, балет, балет (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2019). Seedling 7 37 09. JI (3 F.), 37.5" (95 cm), Mids...
r5 - 19 Jul 2024 - 06:47 by ruiris
■(JI) 'Ballada O Tile' 2012, Kaulen 'Ballada O Tile' Баллада о Тиле (Mariya Kaulen, R. 2012) Seedling J12/6 4. JI (6 F.), 29.5" (75 cm), Late bloom. Style arms pa...
■(JI) 'Ban Hu Sha' 2022, Yu 'Ban Hu Sha' (Wei Xiao Yu, R. 2022) Seedling 22 23, JI (6 falls), 25" (64 cm), Early bloom. Style arms violet (RHS 155A) ground, edg...
r9 - 04 Mar 2023 - 16:31 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Bandai No Nami' ?, Yokohama 'Bandai No Nami' (Yokohama Nursery). JI. Double. Color Class 1. See below: * * References * * Synonyms References Fro...
(JI) 'Bangkok' 1936, Barr 'Bangkok' (Barr Sons, R. 1936). JI. Single. Color Class 5. See below: * * References References: From Flowerfield Bulb Farm c...
■(JI) 'Banjo Blues' 2005, Bauer/Coble 'Banjo Blues' (Bob Bauer and John Coble, R. 2005). Seedling J99A 5. JI (6 falls), 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms v...
■(JI) 'Banko No Koe' 1993, Nishida 'Banko No Koe' ( Nobutsune Nishida by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993) JI (3 F.), 36" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards ...
■(JI) 'Banners on Parade' 1965, Maddocks 'Banners On Parade' (Frederick Maddocks, R. 1964) Seedling 141551. JI (semidouble), 34" (86 cm), Early to midseason bloom...
■(JI) 'Barbara Said So' 2021, Spence 'Barbara Said So' (Patrick Spence, R. 2020). Seedling JI0704 A. JI (6 F.), 44" (112 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Style arm...
(JI) Bare Leigh White 2006, Mull 'Bare Leigh White' (Bill Mull, R. 2006). Sdlg. 24A 03. JI (3 F.), 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. White self (RHS 155A), signal nea...
(JI) 'Barona' 1938, Barber 'Barona' (Charles Barber, R. 1938) JI. Double. Color Class 6. See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting original ...
■(JI) 'Barr Purple East' 1938, Barr 'Barr Purple East' ( Barr Sons by Jennifer Hewitt, R. 1999) JI (3 F.), 47" (120 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards bishops vio...
■(JI) 'Barvy Adventu' 2020, Seidl 'Barvy Adventu' (Zdenĕk Seidl, R. 2020). Seedling GJ0603. JI (6 F.), 27.5" (70 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards rich blue violet;...
r3 - 03 Dec 2021 - 18:13 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Basho' 1956, Hirao 'Basho' (Shuichi Hirao by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993) JI (3 F.), 33" (85 cm), Midseason late bloom. Royal violet, yellow signa...
(JI) 'Bashu No Ten' 1925, Hendrickson 'Bashu No Ten' (I. S. Hendrickson, 1925). JI. Double. See below: * * References References: From Childs catalog, 1...
(JI) 'Battle Cry' 1953, Marx 'Battle Cry' ( Walter Marx, R. 1951) JI, 60" (152 cm), Extra early bloom. Single. Standards red, Falls deeper red. Aka fukurin x 'Kar...
■(JI) 'Baykal' 2016, Dolganova 'Baykal' Байкал (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2016) Seedling 1 20 10. JI (6 F.), 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms lilac blue to wh...
■(JI) 'Beautiful Accent' 1994, Delmez 'Beautiful Accent' (Donald Delmez, R. 1994) Seedling MBSW 1. JI (6 F.), 33" (84 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue splashed w...
(JI) 'Beauty In Ruffles' 1981, Kokich 'Beauty In Ruffles' (Phylliss Kokich, R. 1981). JI, 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Deep lavender, yellow signal; lighter la...
(JI) 'Beauty Of North' 2021, Yu / Xiao 'Beauty Of North' (Fengyang Yu, R. 2021). Seedling 17 101. JI (3 F.), 16" (42 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark violet (...
(JI) 'Beauty Of Yamamoto' 1950, Marx 'Beauty Of Yamamoto' ( Walter Marx, R. 1950) JI. Japanese import. Color Class 6. Chugai Nursery Co. 1932. See below: * * R...
■(JI) 'Beauty On Parade' 1957, Marx 'Beauty On Parade' (Walter Marx, R. 1957) Seedling 56 156. JI, 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, thinly edge...
(JI) 'Beauty Spot' ?, Marx 'Beauty Spot' (Walter Marx. Honorable Mention AIS 1949. AIS Bulletin 115:6, October 1949. NOTE: Not to be confused with Miniature Dwarf...
■(JI) 'Becky's Dream' 2018, Copeland 'Becky's Dream' (Jill Copeland, R. 2016). Seedling S 24. JI (6 F.), 38" (97 cm)., Midseason bloom. Style arm tips and petalo...
(JI) 'Beikoku' 1990, Fabel Ward 'Beikoku' (Robert Fabel Ward, R. 1990). JI (3 F.), 37" (94 cm), Late bloom. Standards white; Falls light violet, veined white. 'Yu...
■(JI) 'Bejewelled Mogul' 1969, Payne 'Bejewelled Mogul' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1965) Seedling 888. JI 3 petal, 48" (122 cm). Midseason bloom. Standards prune purple;...
r9 - 28 Feb 2023 - 17:44 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Belgium Crown' 2003, Hublau 'Belgium Crown' (Willy Hublau, R. 2002) Seedling 97 F 5 1. JI (6 Falls), height 31" (80 cm), Early to midseason bloom.. Medium ...
■(JI) 'Belgium Dancer' 2007, Hublau 'Belgium Dancer' (Willy Hublau, R. 2007) Seedling 2000 07. JI (6 F), 28" (71 cm), Midseason bloom. Falls white, wine red halo ...
■(JI) 'Belgium Dreamer' 2007, Hublau 'Belgium Dreamer' (Willy Hublau, R. 2007). Seedling 96 F 20 2. JI (3 Falls), height 25" (64 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Sta...
■(JI) 'Belgium Elegance' 2009, Hublau 'Belgium Elegance' (Willy Hublau, R. 2009). Seedling 96 E 30 2. JI (6 falls), 31" (80 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Falls li...
r13 - 18 Mar 2023 - 16:09 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Belgium Jewel' 2009, Hublau 'Belgium Jewel' (Willy Hublau, R. 2009). Seedling 2001 G 9 1. JI (6 F.), 31" (80 cm), Early to midseason bloom, falls greywhite...
■(JI) 'Belgium Silk' 2003, Hublau 'Belgium Silk' ( Willy Hublau, R. 2002) Sdlg. 2000 01. JI (6 F.), 30" (75 cm), Midseason bloom. Deep purplish bordeaux, small ...
■(JI) 'Belgium Sky' 2006, Hublau 'Belgium Sky' (Willy Hublau, R. 1996) Sdlg. B1. JI (6 F.), 35" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Light blue (RHS 91D), dark violet halo a...
■(JI) 'Belgium Snow Cap' 2009, Hublau 'Belgium Snow Cap' (Willy Hublau, R. 2009). Seedling 98 H 32 4. JI (9 12 F.), 31" (80 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Falls pu...
■(JI) 'Belgium Treasure' 2003, Hublau 'Belgium Treasure' (Willy Hublau, R. 2002) Seedling 99 002. JI (3 F.), 31" (80 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards purple with d...
r9 - 02 Apr 2020 - 14:44 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Belgium Warrior' 2003, Hublau 'Belgium Warrior' (Willy Hublau, R. 2002) Sdlg. 98 H 16 2. JI (6 F.), 33" (85 cm), Midseason late bloom. Mandarin purple, dar...
■(JI) 'Belle Of The Ball' 1957, Marx 'Belle Of The Ball' ( Louise Marx, R. 1956) JI, 48" (122 cm), Early to midseason bloom. Bicolor, white bordered foxglove ...
r6 - 24 Apr 2020 - 21:51 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Bellender Blue' 1993, Bauer/Coble 'Bellender Blue' ( Bob Bauer and John Coble, R. 1993) Seedling J82A 25 JI. 50" 127 cm, Early bloom. 3 falls, Dark blue v...
(JI) 'Belokryly' 2007, Kaulen 'Belokryly' Белокрылый (Mariya Kaulen, R. 2007) Sdlg. J06–5/5. JI (3F.), 31” (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white ground, veine...
(JI) 'Beni Chadai' 1915, Sakata 'Beni Chadai' (Sakata Nursery, 1915). JI. Double. Color Class 6. Translation: Red Tea Saucer. See below: * * References Refer...
■(JI) 'Beni Huyou' 1868, Yoshiko 'Beni Huyou' (Nagai Yoshiko by Chad Harris, R. 2021). JI (6 F.), 36" (91 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Style arms white, upright...
■(JI) 'Beni Koshi' 1973, Makino 'Beni Koshi' ( Zensaku Makino by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1995) JI (3 F.), 36" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white, e...
(JI) 'Beni Renge' 1985, Hirao 'Beni Renge' (Shuichi Hirao by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993) JI (6 9 F.), 28 31" (70 80 cm), Midseason bloom. Deep red viol...
■(JI) 'Beni Tsubaki' 1970, Hirao 'Beni Tsubaki' (Shuichi Hirao by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1993) JI (6 F.), 27" (70 cm), Midseason bloom. Rose violet deep...
(JI) 'Burgfraulein' 1964, Steiger 'Burgfraulein' ( Max Steiger, R. 1964) JI (single), 32" (81 cm), White self, violet edge. F3 Higo Care strain. See below: * R...
■(JI) 'Beringiya' 2016, Dolganova 'Beringiya' Берегиня (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2016) Seedling 46 12 09. JI (3 F.), 35.5" (90 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards bright p...
(JI) 'Beth Hallock' 1885 90, Hallock 'Beth Hallock' ( V. H. Hallock, Son Thorpe, 1885 90) JI. Double. Color Class 3. See below: * * References References: ...
■(JI) 'Betteryet' 1966, Hazzard 'Betteryet' ( Arthur H. Hazzard, R. 1965) Sdlg. 108. JI single, 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Standards dark lavender, white...
(JI) 'Bettie F. Holmes' 1930, Childs 'Bettie F. Holmes' (John Childs, R. 1930). JI. Double. Class 1. See below: * * References * * Synonyms References Fr...
(JI) 'Betty' 1934, Smith 'Betty' ( Mrs. U. G. Smith, R. 1934) JI. Double. Class 7. See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting original catalo...
(JI) 'Betty Jean Childs' 1926, Childs 'Betty Jean Childs' ( John Childs, R. 1926). JI. Single. Color Class 4. See below: * * References References: From ...
■(JI) 'Bewitching Twilight' 2000, Harris 'Bewitching Twilight' (Chad Harris, R. 1999). Seedling 89JE6. JI (6 F.), height 41" (104 cm), Midseason bloom. White gro...
(JI) 'Beyond Belief' 2002, Marshall 'Beyond Belief' ( Nerissa Marshall, R. 2002). JI (3 F.), 37" (95 cm), Midseason bloom. Amethyst violet (RHS 84C), style arms s...
■(JI) 'Beyond Chance' 2001, Delmez 'Beyond Chance' (Donald Delmez, R. 2000) Seedling SBOST. JI (3 falls), 39" (99 cm), Early bloom. Standards orchid, veined darke...
■(JI) 'Beyond Expectations' 2006, Delmez 'Beyond Expectations' (Donald Delmez, R. 2006). Sdlg. DDKPRU. JI (6 F.), 32" (81 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms pink, m...
■(JI) 'Beyond The Horizon' 1985, Shook 'Beyond The Horizon' (James Shook, R. 1985) Seedling S T A 3. JI (6 falls), 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. White, green sign...
■(JI) 'Beyond Words' 2001, Delmez 'Beyond Words' (Donald Delmez, R. 2001) Seedling 100 1. JI (6 falls), 32" (81 cm), Heavily ruffled orchid self, signals yellow. ...
r12 - 18 Mar 2023 - 16:08 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Bianlian' 2017, Chungui 'Bianlian' (Liu Chungui, R. 2017) JI (6 F.), 38.5" (98 cm), Early bloom. Style arms white, violet (RHS N88C) tipped crests; Falls w...
(JI) 'Biedermeierzeit' 1964, Steiger 'Biedermeierzeit' (Max Steiger, R. 1964) JI (double), 32" (81 cm), Dark velvet lilac. F3 Higo Care strain. See below: * Re...
(JI) 'Big Care' Y1964, Steiger 'Big Care' (Max Steiger, R. 1964) JI (double), 44" (112 cm), Velvet purple self. F3 Higo Care strain. See below: * References ...
■(JI) 'Bing Yujie' 2022, Chen 'Bing Yujie' (Xuli Chen, R. 2022) Seedling 19g108, JI (3 F.), 39" (99 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white (RHS N155B), red (RHS 54...
(JI) 'Biyakko' 1923 30, Shuho En 'Biyakko' (Shuho En Nursery, between 1923 1930) JI. Double. Color Class 1. See below: * References * Culture References ...
(JI) 'Black Bird Pie' 2012, Delmez 'Black Bird Pie' (Donald Delmez, R. 2012) Sdlg. DBVOPKBST. JI (6 F.), 30 (76 cm). Early midseason bloom. Style arms dark violet...
(JI) 'Blanc Mignon' 1933, Nesmith 'Blanc Mignon' ( Elizabeth Nesmith, R. 1933) JI. Double. Color Class 1. See below: * References * Culture References A...
(JI) 'Blaudom' 1958, Steiger 'Blaudom' (Max Steiger, R. 1958) Sdlg. Ka 61. JI (double), 32" (81 cm). Very late bloom. Dark blue violet, white veins; white styles….
(JI) 'Blaue Nacht' 1960, Steiger 'Blaue Nacht' ( Max Steiger, R. 1960) JI, 32" (81 cm), Late bloom. Double. Dark violet blue with light blue styles. 'Blaudom' X '...
(JI) 'Blaue Stunde' 1964, Steiger 'Blaue Stunde' (Max Steiger, R. 1964) JI, 34" (86 cm), double. Dark blue lilac self. F3 Higo Care strain. See below: * Refere...
(JI) 'Blauer Berg' 1958, Steiger 'Blauer Berg' ( Max Steiger R. 1958) Sdlg. Ka 119. JI (double), 44" (112 cm). Early to late bloom. Light blue, darker at edges. M...
(JI) 'Blew Down' 1966, Hazzard 'Blew Down' (Arthur H. Hazzard, R. 1965) Sdlg. 344. JI (double), 30" (76 cm), Falls medium blue and violet, bicolor; stylearms whit...
(JI) 'Blue Beard' Abt. 1911, Chivers 'Blue Beard' (T. H. Chivers). JI. Double. Color Class 6. From Cottage Gardens catalog, 1903: Clear blue with a white center. ...
(JI) 'Blue Belle' 1924, Childs 'Blue Belle' ( John Childs, R. 1924) JI. Double. Color Class 3. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: BLUE BELLE Dbl. Intense deep ...
(JI) 'Blue Bird' 1889, Hallock 'Blue Bird' (V. H. Hallock Son Thorpe, 1889). JI. Single. Color Class 6. Not to be confused with Sib 'Blue Bird', Spec 'Bluebird'...
r4 - 05 Jun 2021 - 17:22 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Blue Blue Heaven' 2018, Aitken 'Blue Blue Heaven' (Terry Aitken, R. 2017). Seedling 98 J 6B. JI (6 F.), 45" (114 cm), Early to very late. Clear blue self….
(JI) 'Blue Butterfly' 1939, Prichard 'Blue Butterfly' (Maurice Prichard Sons, 1939) JI. Double. Color Class 4BL. See below: * References * Culture Refer...
■(JI) 'Blue Circle Dance' 2009, Walker 'Blue Circle Dance' (Lee Walker, R. 2008) Sdlg. 92 52 1. JI (6 F.), 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Falls white ground, 1 inc...
■(JI) 'Blue Coat' 1955, Marx 'Blue Coat' ( Walter Marx, R. 1955) Seedling 49 77. JI (double), 36" (91 cm), Late bloom. Medium blue self, near delft (M P); ...
r9 - 04 Feb 2020 - 15:00 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Blue Danube' 1889, Hallock 'Blue Danube' (V. H. Hallock Son Thorpe, 1889). JI. Double. Color Class 6. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: BLUE DANUBE (H...
(JI) 'Blue Edge' 1932, Barber 'Blue Edge' (Charles Barber, R. 1932) JI. Double. Color Class 1. See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting ori...
■(JI) 'Blue Embers' 1993, Bauer/Coble 'Blue Embers' (Bob Bauer and John Coble, R. 1993) Sdlg. J83J 1. JI (3 F.), 38" (97 cm), Very early bloom. Standards light bl...
■(JI) 'Blue Gentian' 1959, Marx 'Blue Gentian' (Walter Marx, R. 1958) Seedling 56 120. JI (double), 30" (76 cm), Late bloom. Deep blue with white veins in central...
r11 - 15 Apr 2022 - 17:14 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Blue Giant' Before 1938, Childs 'Blue Giant' (John Childs, pre 1938). JI. Single. Color Class 6BL. See below: * * References References: From Flowe...
(JI) 'Blue Haze' 1938, Barber 'Blue Haze' (Charles Barber, R. 1938) JI. Double. Color Class 5BL. See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting o...
(JI) 'Blue Honey' 1966, Swearengen 'Blue Honey' (Clarence Swearengen, R. 1964) Sdlg. S 412. JI (double), 42" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. Spectrum violet self, yel...
(JI) 'Blue Illusion' 1975, Wagner 'Blue Illusion' ( Brother Gene Wagner, R. 1975) Sdlg. 6 C 2. JI (6 petals), 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium blue, marbled w...
(JI) 'Blue Jay' 1889, Hallock 'Blue Jay' (V. H. Hallock, Son Thorpe, 1889). JI. Double. Color Class 3. From Childs catalog, 1929: Sky blue, distinct white lines...
(JI) 'Blue Lagoon' 1954, Marx 'Blue Lagoon' ( Walter Marx, R. 1955) JI (double), 36" (91 cm), Early midseason bloom. Near gentian blue self. 'Mrs. J. A. Hayden' X...
(JI) 'Blue Lake' 1931, Childs 'Blue Lake' ( John Childs, R. 1931) JI. Color Class B. See below: * References * Culture References Awaiting original cata...
■(JI) 'Blue Line Dance' 2007, Walker 'Blue Line Dance' (Lee Walker, R. 2005) Seedling 94 101 16. JI (6 Falls), 37" (94 cm), Late midseason bloom. Red violet petal...
■(JI) 'Blue Mandarin' 2008, Bauer/Coble 'Blue Mandarin' ( Bob Bauer and John Coble, R. 2008) Seedling J01B 4. JI (6 falls), 40" (102 cm), Midseason bloom. Falls d...
r15 - 18 Mar 2023 - 15:51 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Blue Marlin' 1981, Copeland 'Blue Marlin' ( Jill Copeland, R. 1979) Seedling 78 025. JI (double), 28" (71 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Ruffled blue violet...
r12 - 18 Mar 2023 - 16:08 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Blue Mascot' 1947, Marx 'Blue Mascot' (Walter Marx, 1947. Honorable Mention AIS 1949; AIS Bulletin 115:6. October 1949. NOTE: Not to be confused with Miniat...
(JI) 'Blue Moon' YYYY, Hybridizer 'Blue Moon' Awaiting registration information See Dinner Plate Series b...
r4 - 31 Aug 2023 - 18:36 by RobertBobPries
■(JI) 'Blue Nocturne' 1964, Payne 'Blue Nocturne' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1959) Sdlg. 385. JI (double), 40" (102 cm), Late bloom. Violet ultramarine, a few barely p...
■(JI) 'Blue Orchid' 1953, Marx 'Blue Orchid' ( Walter Marx, R. 1953) JI (double), 30" (76 cm), Early midseason bloom. Orchid self, deep tone. 'Shin Ran' X unk...
r10 - 12 Jul 2022 - 22:18 by Harloiris
■(JI) 'Blue Pompon' 1959, Marx 'Blue Pompon' (Walter Marx, R. 1959) JI, 40" (102 cm), L. Uniform deep blue. 'Hisakata' x Kongo san. Delayed registration Marx 1955...
(JI) 'Blue Prince' 1941, Burtner 'Blue Prince' ( R. H. Burtner, R. 1941) JI. Single. Color Class 6BD. See below: * References * Culture References Await...
(JI) 'Blue Skies' 1939, Barber 'Blue Skies' (Charles Barber, R. 1939) JI. Double. Color Class 5BL. See below: * * References References: From Carl Salbac...
■(JI) 'Blue Spritz' 1996, Delmez 'Blue Spritz' (Donald Delmez, R. 1996). Seedling DWSAP. JI (6 falls), 35" (89 cm), Midseason bloom. Blue white, veined blue purpl...
■(JI) 'Blue Star Craola' 2008, Walker 'Blue Star Craola' (Lee Walker, R. 2007) Seedling C 96 21 36. JI (3 F.), 31" (79 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards dark red vi...
(JI) 'Blue Streamline' 1969, Payne 'Blue Streamline' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1966) Sdlg. 1268. JI, 42" (107 cm), Early midseason bloom. Blends from roslyn blue to lig...
■(JI) 'Blue Twilight Moon' 2006, Walker 'Blue Twilight Moon' (Lee Walker, R. 2005) Seedling 96 56 1. JI (6 falls), 25" (64 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms medium...
(JI) 'Blue Waters' 1929, Prichard 'Blue Waters' (Maurice Prichard Sons, 1929) JI. Double. Color Class 6BD. See below: * References * Culture References ...
(JI) 'Blue Zebra' 1981, Ackerman 'Blue Zebra' (William Ackerman, R. 1981) Sdlg. D5(8 153). JI (6 F.), 35" (89 cm). Midseason bloom. White with heavy violet blue (...
(JI) 'Blueberry Pie' YYYY, not determined 'Blueberry Pie' Awaiting registration information: This iris has been offered for sale in 2023 by several major plant di...
r3 - 30 Aug 2023 - 20:39 by RobertBobPries
■(JI) 'Blueberry Rimmed' 1983, McEwen 'Blueberry Rimmed' (Currier McEwen, R. 1983) Seedling T3 78/12B. JI (tetraploid), 30" (76 cm), Early midseason to late midse...
r14 - 29 Dec 2023 - 20:55 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Bluebird Special' 1998, Stallcop 'Bluebird Special' (Jean Stallcop by Donald Delmez, R. 1998) JI (6 F.), 38" (97 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled white, veine...
■(JI) 'Blues Revisited' 2000, Reid 'Blues Revisited' ( Lorena Reid, R. 2000) Sdlg. 9J55 10D. JI (6 F.), 36 42" (91 107 cm), Midseason bloom. Ruffled medium dark b...
■(JI) 'Bluetone' 1969, Payne 'Bluetone' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1965) Seedling 862. JI (6 petal), 46" (117 cm), Early bloom. White uniformly stippled light blue viole...
■(JI) 'Blushing Crimson' 1995, Rich 'Blushing Crimson' (Lois Rich by Ensata Gardens, R/ 1995) Seedling K72 3F. JI (6 falls), height 36" (92 cm), Midseason bloom. ...
■(JI) 'Blushing Ice' 2011, Seidl 'Blushing Ice' (Zdenek Seidl, R. 2011) Sdlg. BJ 06.03. JI (6 F.), 24 (61 cm), Midseason to late bloom. Standards white with light...
(JI) 'Blushing Princess' 1993, Ackerman 'Blushing Princess' ( William Ackerman, R. 1990) Sdlg. A4 6 122. JI (3 F.), 33" (84 cm), Late bloom. Standards white with ...
■(JI) 'Blushing Snowmaiden' 2000, Harris 'Blushing Snowmaiden' (Chad Harris, R. 1999) Seedling 91JA3. JI (9 Falls), height 40" (107 cm), Midseason bloom. White, ...
(JI) 'Bobby Sipe' 1927, Kemp 'Bobby Sipe' ( J. A. Kemp, 1927) JI. Double. Color Class 4. From Fairmount Gardens catalog, 1942: BOBBIE SIPE (Kemp. 1927) Dbl. White...
■(JI) 'Bob's Choice' 2007, Copeland 'Bob's Choice' (Jill Copeland, R. 2007) Seedling P 5. JI (6 falls), 35" (89 cm), Early to late bloom. Standards blue violet (R...
■(JI) 'Bokhara' 1928, Childs 'Bokhara' ( John Childs, R. 1928). JI. Single. Color Class 5. 1939 AIS Checklist shows 'Bokara'. 1955 Flowerfield's catalog has this ...
■(JI) 'Bountiful Blessings' 2007, Delmez 'Bountiful Blessings' (Donald Delmez, R. 2006) Seedling DBWST 2. JI (6 F.), 34" (86 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms whit...
■(JI) 'Bridge Of Dreams' 1992, Hirao 'Bridge Of Dreams' (Shuichi Hirao by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1991) Sdlg. SH 3. JI (3 F.), 32" (81 cm), Midseason blo...
■(JI) 'Bright Autumn Moon' 2009, Walker 'Bright Autumn Moon' ( Lee Walker, R. 2009). Seedling 98 41 3. JI (6. F), 29" (73 cm), Midseason bloom. 6 falls medium lav...
■(JI) 'Bright Moonlight' 2019, Xiao, 'Bright Moonlight' (Yuee Xiao, R. 2019). Seedling SHIE2019042. JI (3 F.), 22.5" (57 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards white ...
■(JI) 'Brilliant Burgundy' 1960, Marx 'Brilliant Burgundy' (Walter Marx, R. 1960) Seeling 60 14. JI Double, 48" (122 cm), Early bloom. Burgundy red self, some w...
(JI) 'Brite Sprite' 1969, Payne 'Brite Sprite' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1966) Sdlg. 1210. JI, 24" (61 cm), Early bloom. Standards purple edged white; Falls white, vein...
(JI) 'Brocade Blue' 1991, Ackerman 'Brocade Blue' (William Ackerman, R. 1990) Sdlg. A3 10 62. JI (6 F.), 32" (81 cm), Early bloom. Violet (RHS 93A) near yellow si...
(JI) 'Brocade Snowfall' 1966, Roberts 'Brocade Snowfall' Gladys Roberts, R. 1966) JI (double), 36" (91 cm), Midseason bloom. White with golden yellow signals; sli...
■(JI) 'Broken Enchantment' 2006, James 'Broken Enchantment' (Ronald James, R. 2006). Seedling 0022005. JI (6 F.), 32 35" (81 89 cm), Midseason bloom. Wine red and...
(JI) 'Bryzgi' 2017, Kaulen 'Bryzgi' (Mariya Kaulen, R. 2017) Seedling R15/12 11. JI (6 F.), 29.5" (75 cm), Late bloom. Style arms violet, dense asymmetric crown;...
(JI) 'Bu O Gun' ?, Dreer 'Bu O Gun' (Henry Dreer). JI. Single. Color Class 4. Translation: Emperor Bu. From Farr's catalog, 1912: BU O GUM. Three immense falls, ...
(JI) 'Bubble Skirt' 2021, Yu / Xiao 'Bubble Skirt' (Fengyang Yu, R. 2021). Seedling 18 101. JI (3 F.), 24" (60 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms dark...
■(JI) 'Bullington Blue' pre 1979, Bullington 'Bullington Blue' (Robert Bullington, deceased, by Walter Hoover). Not Registered. JI. (6 Falls), Height 40" (122 cm)...
(JI) 'Bungo No Kagayaki' 1966, Yoshie 'Bungo No Kagayaki' (Kiyoro Yoshie by Society for Japanese Irises, R. 1995) JI (6 Falls), 37" (95 cm), Midseason bloom. Whi...
■(JI) 'Buoy Ten' 2024, Spence 'Buoy Ten' (Patrick Spence, R. 2023) Seedling #J14B 2, JI (6 falls), 43" (109.0 cm), Midseason bloom. Standards none; style arms whi...
■(JI) 'Burbot' 1980, Copeland 'Burbot' ( Jill Copeland, R. 1979) Sdlg. 79 014. JI (double), 30" (76 cm), Midseason bloom. Falls ruffled white (RHS 155B) with ...
■(JI) 'Bureya' 2019, Dolganova 'Bureya' Бурея (Zoya Dolganova, R. 2019). Seedling 2 11 09. JI (6 F.), 33.5" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Style arms lilac; falls sa...
r4 - 19 Jul 2024 - 06:50 by ruiris
(JI) 'Burgfraulein' 1964, Steiger 'Burgfraulein' (Max Steiger, R. 1964) JI (single), 32" (81 cm), White self, violet edge. F3 Higo Care strain. . See below: * ...
(JI) 'Burgundelovely' 1998, Bush 'Burgundelovely' (George Bush, R. 1997) Sdlg. 19 20 21. JI (3 F.), 34" (86 cm), Midseason late bloom. Wine red, Standards and sty...
(JI) 'Burgunder' 1960, Steiger 'Burgunder' (Max Steiger, R. 1960) JI (double) Care strain, 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Dark red self. Fourth generation of 'Imperial ...
(JI) 'Bushi' 1996, Matheny III 'Bushi' (Ed Matheny III, R. 1995) Sdlg. J:00 01 93. JI (6 F.), 41" (104 cm), Early midseason bloom. Purple, splashed and etched cre...
■(JI) 'Bushido' 2020, Harris 'Bushido' (Chad Harris, R. 2019). Seedling 07JI1. JI (3 falls), 38" (97 cm), Late bloom. Standards dark red violet (RHS 77A), e...
■(JI) 'Butterflies In Flight' 1991, Aitken 'Butterflies In Flight' (J. Terry Aitken, R. 1991). Seedling 85J2. JI (6 falls), 42" (107 cm), Midseason to late bloom….
(JI) 'Butterfly Bright' 1999, Ackerman 'Butterfly Bright' (William Ackerman, R. 1998) Sdlg. B4 16. JI (3 F.), 48" (122 cm), Midseason late bloom. Standards red pu...
(JI) 'Butterfly Prince' 1950, Payne 'Butterfly Prince' (W. Arlie Payne, R. 1950) JI, 50" (127 cm), Midseason bloom. Violet self, mulberry veined. Payne 82 X Payne...
Under Construction Japanese Iris Registrations 1940 to 1931 Image galleries for other years and classifications #ListStart Jump To: 1939: 1938, 1937; 1936; 1935...
Under Construction Japanese Registrations 1950 to 1941 Image galleries for other years and classifications #ListStart Jump To: 1949: 1948, 1947; 1946; 1945; 194...
Under Construction Japanese Iris Registrations 1960 to 1951 Image galleries for other years and classifications #ListStart Jump To: 1959: 1958, 1957; 1956; 1955...
Under Construction Japanese Iris Registrations 1970 to 1961 Image galleries for other years and classifications #ListStart Jump To: 1969: 1968, 1967; 1966; 1965...
Under Construction Japanese Iris Registrations 1980 to 1971 Image galleries for other years and classifications #ListStart Jump To: 1979: 1978, 1977; 1976; 1975...
(JI) 1990 1981 Under Construction Japanese Iris Registrations 1990 to 1981 Image galleries for other years and classifications #ListStart Jump To: 1989: 1988, ...
(JI) 2000 1991 Under Construction Japanese Iris Registrations 2000 to 1991 Image galleries for other years and classifications #ListStart Jump To: 1999: 1998, ...
Japanese Iris Registrations 2010 to 2001 Image galleries for other years and classifications #ListStart Jump To: 2009: 2008, 2007; 2006; 2005; 2004; 2003; 2002; ...
Japanese Iris Registrations 2020 to 2011 Image galleries for other years and classifications Jump to 2020: 2019: 2018: 2017: 2016: 2015: 2014: 2013: 2012: 2011: ...
(JI) 'Bybrook Aileen Dadswell' 2005, Lewis 'Bybrook Aileen Dadswell' (Gary Lewis, R. 2006) Seedling 0898. JI (3 Falls), 33" (85 cm), Midseason bloom. Medium pink ...
r4 - 20 Nov 2022 - 22:10 by Harloiris
(JI) 'Bybrook Electric Storm' 2006, Lewis 'Bybrook Electric Storm' (Gary Lewis, R. 2006) Seedling 2599. JI (6 Falls), 26" (65 cm), Midseason bloom. Red purple spl...
r4 - 20 Nov 2022 - 22:10 by Harloiris
Number of topics: 152
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Mar 2011, BobPries
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