■(IB) 'Black Prince'

1900, Perry

'Black Prince' ( Amos Perry, 1900). IB. Midseason bloom. Color Class-B3D

See below:

Black Prince.jpgThe Garden Black Prince.jpg


From the Farr's Hardy Plants catalog, 1912: Standards intense deep violet-blue; falls velvety dark purple.
From The Garden, 87:375, July 21, 1923: IRIS BLACK PRINCE. Having seen your appreciative remarks with regard to Iris Black Prince, I am venturing to send you a photograph of this plant as I saw it, some years ago now, growing at Mr. Perry's nursery. I think it makes a pleasing picture even in black and white, but one has only in imagination to supply the velvety blue-black of the falls with their violet edging and the much diluted violet of the wings to realise the splendour of the flower. Mr. Perry, I know, considers this the best of the pallida and Cengialti crosses to date, and I thoroughly agree with him. – H. C.
From Longfield Iris Farm catalog, 1930: BLACK PRINCE (Perry, 1900). Standards blue purple; falls deep rich velvety black purple; bright orange beard. Very rich coloring. Growth weak. Late flowering. $0.35.
From Wing Seed catalog, 1919: BLACK KNIGHT (Syn. Black Prince.) A beautiful new Iris of wonderful richness and depth of color. S. intense deep violet-blue; F. deep velvety purple. Very late bloomer. This is one of the rarest and scarcest Irises in the world, and we doubt if a hundred specimens could be assembled together. It is sometimes sold under the name “Black Prince,” and should not be confused with the variety Kochii, which is also sometimes called “Black Prince.” Kochii is a very charming Iris, with large, beautiful flowers of deep pure violet, but does not possess the wonderful velvety texture which makes of the Black Knight a marked flower. $1.50.
It seems likely that there is more than one Iris pretending to be 'Black Prince'. The first description in 1900 in the Garden speaks about a broad rich yellow marking (haft marks) running into the heart and the photo appears to have a purple beard. Bob Pries
S.S. Berry's 1925 catalog says 'Black Prince (Perry). Old, but still unexcelled for richness of color; exceedingly late; should not be planted where the least drip can mar the heavy black-purple velvet of the falls; true stock. $1.00."

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Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2010-11-12
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Black_Prince.jpgjpg Black_Prince.jpg manage 28 K 12 Nov 2010 - 14:51 BobPries Courtesy of Mike Lowe from original HIPS website
The_Garden_Black_Prince.jpgjpg The_Garden_Black_Prince.jpg manage 112 K 13 Nov 2013 - 02:44 BobPries Biodiversity Heritage Library
Topic revision: r18 - 25 Oct 2019, BobPries
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