Sections of AIS . 5 |
Affiliates of AIS . 5 |
Iris Slides for Rental . 20 |
How to Join an AIS Robin . 26 |
Guest Irises for 1965 Convention . 34 |
“Wish You Were Here!” . Mildred R . Johnson 35 |
How to Introduce an Iris . Mrs. J. R. Hamblen 39 |
They Liked These in the Tour Gardens . Mrs . Gertie May Barnes 40 |
William and Ruth Fitzgerald, William T. Bledsoe 41 |
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rowe 43, Johnson B. Hale 44 |
C. Robert Minnick 44, Roy Oliphant 46, Mrs. Jane Hall 47 |
Report on Newer Irises . 49 |
Cook Memorial Cup Awarded to Dr. Loomis . 50 |
Chromosome Pairing in Tetraploid Bearded Irises |
Katherine Heinig and L. F. Randolph 51 |
Philadelphia to Boston . A. Edward Murray, Jr. 64 |
On the Trail of Irises . Lys Housley 67 |
Why We Apply Winter Cover . Ferris D. Gaskill 72 |
Light on the Irises . Gilbert Anderson 75 |
Spurias Down Under . Gordon Loveridge 77 |
Seedlings in Parentages (Letter) . 78 |
Aril Irises in the Great Lakes Region . Henry Danielson 79 |
Report of the Treasurer . Jay C. Ackerman 82 |
Minutes of Joint RVP-Directors Meeting . Clifford W. Benson 83 |
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting . Clifford W. Benson 84 |
Report of Public Relations Committee Peggy Burke Grey and Ruth Rees 84 |
Report of National Robin Director . John A. Bartholomew 85 |
Regional Membership Totals . 88 |