Iris Contents Page 15
'Bariensis'. White, bordered with lilac.
'Comte de St. Clair'. Pure white, shaded with violet, lower petals purplish violet, netted with white.
'Hericartiana'. Pale blue, lower petals dark blue and purple.
'Honorabilis'. Orange, lower petals brown.
'Juliette'. White, violet edge, shaded blue.
'Madame Chéreau'. White, edged violet.
'Pajol'. Purplish lilac, lower petals dark.
'Pluton'. Bronzy Violet Lower petals lilac
Raphael, purple with white veins.
Spectabilis. Velvety purple, shaded with black.
Virgile. Bronzy red, lower petals reddish lilac, veined with pale yellow.
Virginal. White, lower petals veined with purple.
Walneri. Lilac, lower petals dark blue.
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