

1857, William Prince Catalog

See other Nurseries

The Prince Catalog below listed 41 Iris species, and 61 named varieties. For more information view transcript below and follow the links.

Catalog Catalog
Catalog Catalog

For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at



12 varieties for $2 50; 25 for $4 50; and 50 for $8.


Acuta…………………… Cerulean and white, variegated.

Albida…………………. White, shaded yellow.

Bengii, 50 cents………. Yellow and purplish crimson, splendid.

Chinensis fimbriata…………………. Chinese fringed.

Cristata…………………….. Crested.

Cuprea……………………. Red flowering.

Dichotoma, vel Notha……………………. Dauric pale blue and yellow.

Flavescens……………………………… Large straw-colored.

Florentina…………………………… White Florentine, or Orris.

Germanica cerulean…………………. Large blue German.

Germanica purpurea………………… Large purple German.

Haematophylla………………………… Deepest blue, purplish leaves.

Ochroleuca, or Gueldenstadtii………………..Large sulphur yellow.

Pallida……………………………………… Large pale violet.

Pavonia………………………………… Peacock-spotted.

Persica, 50 cents per dozen………………………….. Persian.

Prismatica…………………………… " Prismatic.

Pseudacorus………………………… English yellow, blooms twice.

Pseudacorus tardifiora……………………………. Late do do

Pseudacorus fol. Varieg…………………….. Striped-leaved yellow.

Pumila cerulean………………………… Dwarf blue Austrian.

Pumila flava…………………….. Dwarf yellow do

Sambucina……………………… Bicolor, elder-scented.

Sibirica cerulean…………….. Siberian pale blue.

Sibirica atrocerulea…………….. Siberian deep blue.

Sibirica alba……………………… Siberian white.

Sibirica plena………………… Siberian double flowering.

Squalens……………………… Brown and blue flowered.

Stenogyna……………………… Tall, very pale blue, peculiar.

Stylosa………………………. Bright blue and white.

Sulphurea………………… Sulphur colored.

Susiana Chalcedonian,…………………. dark mottled, splendid.

Swertii……………………….. Swert's Iberian, striped, beautiful.

Tridentata……………… Carolina three, petalled.

Verna……………. Dwarf Vernal.

Versicolor………………… Various colored.

Versicolor alba, $1…………………….. White, new.

Virginica……………………………. Virginian blue.

Xiphoides, 25 varieties, 18 cents……………… .English.

Xiphium, 30 varieties, 12 cents. ………………… .Spanish.

Xiphium pleno, 50 cents…………………… Spanish double.


Adonis…………… Yellow and purple, variegated.

Albion………….. Buff and purple.

Alice White…………………, marbled purple.

Alzire……………………. Pale purple and maroon.

Antinous ……………….Bright yellow and crimson, tall.

Augustus………………… Buff and maroon.

Augustissima …………….

Apollo ……………………

Archinta ………………………..Deep golden and maroon.

Assuerus…………………………. Reddish purple, shaded.

Bougere……………………………Pale and deep purple.

Calypso……………. White and purple, variegated.

Cameleon…………………… Blue and purple.

Chloris ……………………….

Cicero …………………………Yellow and purple.

Coelestis ………………………

Clara ……………………….Dwarf, yellow and purple.

Duke of York ………………………Blue and purple, tall.

Duc de Cazes ………………..Azure and maroon, very tall.

Duchesse de Nemours………………….

Elegantior, 50 cents……………… Yellow and violet, superb variegated.

Faustine………………….. Purple and pale blue.

Fulgorie, 50 cents ……………………. Brownish yellow and pale purple variegated.

Gysels…………………… White and purple, marbled.

Ilion……………………… Bright golden variegated.

Ignacite………………….. Pale and deep purple.

Incomparable…………….. White and purple.

Irma………………….. Pale and dark purple, very tall.

Juliette…………………. Purple, blue, and white, tall.

Le Pactole, 50 cents ……………… Gold crested, pale and violet purple, splendid, distinct.

Le Vesuve, 50 cent…………. Gold crested, violet and purple, distinct.

Lelieur……………. Pale and deep purple, tall.

Louis Van Houtte………………………… Dingy purple and brown.

Lurida maxima…………………… Blue and white.

Lutea maxima, 50 cents…………… Large, pure yellow, tall, distinct.

Mainsart………………… Deep and pale purple.

Morpheus…………….. Dingy brown and blue.

Multicolor………….. Dwarf, deep golden, and maroon.

Munico…………………….. Bright yellow and reddish purple.

Nationale………………… Purple and maroon, very tall.

Odoratissima……………… Pale violet.

Pajol-………………. Pale and deep violet, very tall.

Pallida Speciosa, 50 cents ………….Violet and reddish purple very tall distinct.

Phoenix………………………………. Blue and purple.

-- BobPries - 2015-03-12
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Topic revision: r2 - 12 Mar 2015, BobPries
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