

flourish flourish flourish

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Species discovered during this decade were:

1910....This decade 11 species, 168 cumulative


Cultivars introduced during this decade were:

1911: 1913: 1915: 1917: 1919:

Literature During the Decade

Some catalogs during this decade; for more complete list go to Catalogs 1911-1920

Partial Catalog Gallery

Click on image to go straight to catalog.

Biltmore 1911catalog Bobbink 1911catalog Childs 1911catalog Ellwanger & Barry 1911catalog Farrs 1911catalog
Purdy 1920catalog State 1920 listcatalog The Dean 1920 listcatalog Weeds 1920 listcatalog Wing 1920 listcatalog
Farrs 1911 Bulbscatalog Gillett 1911catalog Grullemanns 1911catalog Lovetts 1911catalog Peterson 1911catalog
Veitch 1911catalog Veitch bulbs 1911catalog Weber 1911catalog Yokohama 1911catalog
Blue Hill 1912catalog Blue Hill complete 1912catalog Bobbink & Atkins 1912catalog Childs 1912catalog Dreer 1912catalog
Ellwanger & Barry 1912catalog Farquhar 1912 midsummercatalog Farr 1912catalog Farrs 1912catalog Fryers 1912catalog
Grullemanns 1912catalog Lovetts 1912catalog Rosedale 1912catalog United States 1912catalog Veitch 1912catalog
Yokohama 1912catalog
Cherry Hill 1913catalog Childs 1913catalog Dreer 1913catalog Ellwanger & Barry 1913catalog Farr's 1913Farrs1913
Five Oaks 1913catalog Goos & Koenemann 1913catalog United States 1913catalog Veitch 1913catalog Wilds 1913catalog
Yokohama 1913catalog
Beckerts 1914catalog Carter’s Tested Seeds 1914catalog Childs 1914catalog Correvon 1914catalog Dean 1914catalog
Dreer 1914catalog Farrs 1914catalog Fryers 1914catalog Goos & Koenemann 1914catalog United States 1914catalog
Wild’s 1914catalog
Cherry Hill Nursery 1915catalog Childs 1915catalog Dean Iris Gardens 1915German Iris Ellwanger & Barry 1915 Bulbscatalog Farrs Hardy Plants 1915catalog
Farrs Quality Bulbs 1915catalog Gilletts 1915catalog Moons 1915catalog Mount Desert 1915catalog Rea 1915catalog
Wellesley 1915catalog
Appalachian 1916catalog Bobbitt 1916catalog Childs 1916catalog Carl Purdy 1916catalog Dean Iris Garden 1916catalog
Carter’s Tested Seeds 1916catalog C.S.Harrison 1916catalog Farr’s Quality Bulbs 1916catalog Goos & Koenemann 1916catalog Krelage 1916catalog
Mount Desert 1916catalog Edwin Reeves 1916catalog Wild’s 1916catalog Wing Seed 1916catalog
Carl Purdy 1917catalog Cherry Hill 1917catalog Childs 1917catalog Crawford 1917catalog Farr's 1917Farrs1913
Farr’s Bulbs 1917catalog Rainbow Gardens 1917catalog Sunnybrook Farms 1917catalog Veitch 1917catalog
Brand’s American Peonies 1918catalog Childs 1918catalog Farr's 1918Farrs1913 Farr's Bulbs 1921catalog Robert T Jackson 1918catalog
Orinoco 1918catalog United States 1918catalog The Wing Seed Co 1918catalog Yokohama1918catalog
Bay State 1919catalog Carl Purdy 1919catalog Chautauqua 1919catalog Childs 1919catalog Dreer 1919catalog
Farr 1919catalog Fryer's 1919catalog Mount Desert 1919catalog Movilla 1919catalog
Rainbow 1919catalog Sunnybrook 1919catalog Smith 1919catalog The Dean 1919catalog
Babcock 1920catalog Bonnewitz 1920catalog Bonnewitz 1920notescatalog Buechly 1920catalog Childs 1920catalog
Dreer 1920catalog Eckert 1920catalog Farquhar's 1920 Catalog, Irisescatalog Farrs 1920catalog FarrsBulbs 1920catalog
Gardenside 1920 Bulbscatalog Glen Road 1920catalog Glen Road 1920 listcatalog Groschner 1920 listcatalog Movilla 1920 listcatalog


---- All Literature; Books/Articles/Catalogs


Scientists/Explorers naming Irises were:

Mr. „,,


Hybridizers breeding Irises were:

Grace Sturtevant,

For More Information on Historic Irises visit the HIPS website at

-- BobPries - 2010-12-06
Topic revision: r62 - 22 Dec 2023, BobPries
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