This is a list of filenames for each catalog page. As pages are formed they are automatically included in this list. The Gallery above sometime does not yet contain items in this list.
1929 catalog Aggeler Musser Seed Co. Autumn For more information on historic Irises visit the Hi...
1929 catalog Alpine Gardens W. L. Crissey For more information on historic Irises visit the Histor...
1929 catalog Altha Hall For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservati...
1929 catalog Roy C. Ashley Asley 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at M...
1929 catalog Barnes Brothers For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Prese...
1929 catalog Barr Sons Autumn For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pr...
1929 catalog Barteldes For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservatio...
1929 catalog Bay State Bay State 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Histor...
1929 catalog Beckert's Bulbs For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Prese...
1929 catalog Myron Bigger For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserva...
1929 catalog Bills Glad Farms For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pres...
1929 catalog Bobbink Atkins For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pres...
1929 catalog Bolgiano For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation...
1929 catalog Bolgiano; Fall For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preser...
1929 catalog Bonnie Brae Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris P...
1929 catalog Brand's American Peonies For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic I...
1929 catalog Bright Spot Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris P...
1929 catalog Bristol Nurseries For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pre...
1929 catalog Buechly Buechley 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at Main...
1929 catalog Burgess Seed For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserva...
1929 catalog Burpee bulbs For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserva...
1929, Carl Salbach Catalog to view click on image 1929 in BHL = For a listing of Iris Nurseries ...
1929 catalog Carl Starker Carl Starker 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris.or...
1929 Catalog , The Cassel Nursery For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at ...
1929 catalog Cecil E. Houdyshel Cecil Houdyshel 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.histor...
1929 catalog Cedar Hill Irises, Brookville, New York For more information on historic Irises visit...
1929 catalog Charles H. Totty Charles Totty 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historicir...
1929 catalog Chautauqua Chautauqua 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at ...
1929 catalog Cherry Hill For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservat...
1929 catalog Child's Child's 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at Main….
1929 Fall catalog Child's For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserva...
Childs 1929 Spring Catalog Click on image to view catalog Childs 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at...
1929 Catalog Cobble Cottage For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preser...
1929 catalog Coe Converse Edwards For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iri...
1929 catalog Cole Nursery For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserva...
1929 catalog Colonial Farms For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preser...
1929 catalog Conard Pyle For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservat...
1929 The Iris Garden catalog Dorothy Stoner For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at
1929 catalog Earl Ferris For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservat...
1929 catalog George Ehrle For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserva...
1929 catalog Ella V Baines For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserv...
1929 catalog Elm City Nursery For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pres...
1929 catalog Elmsford For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation...
1929 catalog Mrs. Emigholtz Emigholtz 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at
1929 catalog Floral Gardens Floral gardens 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciri...
1929 catalog Frank W. Campbell Frank Campbell 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historic...
1929 catalog Franklin B Mead franklin Mead 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciri...
1929 catalog Fremont Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Prese...
1929 catalog Garden Studio Garden Studio 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris….
1929 Fall catalog Garden Studio For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pr...
Gardenside Nursery 1929 Catalog Click on image to view catalog Gardenside 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation S...
1929 catalog Gilbert H Wild For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preser...
1929 catalog Glen Road Glen Road 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at M...
1929 catalog Gordon Ainsley Gordon Ainsley 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciri...
1929 catalog Granite State Nurseries For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Ir...
1929 catalog Green Gate Garden Green Gate 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris...
1929 catalog Groschner For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservatio...
1929 catalog A. Gude Sons Co. Gude Sons 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris.o...
1929 catalog H. F. Chase H.F Chase 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at ...
1929 catalog H J Brook For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservatio...
1929 catalog H. P. Simpson For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserv...
Horsford 1929 Fall Catalog Click on image to view catalog Horsford 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society ...
1929 catalog Indian Spring Farm For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pr...
1929 catalog Iris Fields, H. S. Jackson For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic...
1929 catalog Iris Fields Closing out For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Ir...
1929 catalog J. K. Alexander Nursery For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Ir...
1929 catalog J. N. Giridlian J. n. Giridlian 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historici...
1929 1930, John Lewis Childs Catalog 1929 1930, Special Trade Catalog For more about Childs Nursery see Nurseries, John Lewis Childs For a listing of Iris Nurse...
1929 catalog Kellogg Kellogg 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at Main….
1929 catalog Kenwood Iris Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris ...
1929 catalog Kohankie For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation...
Lake Iris Botanical Experimental Grounds For more information on historic Irises visit the Histori...
1929 catalog LeGron Iris Garden For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pr...
1929 Fall catalog Long's Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris P...
1929 catalog Los Robles aka Bob's Blooming Bulbs Los Robles 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http:...
1929 catalog Meadow Mountain Bulb Farm For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic ...
1929 catalog Miliken For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation ...
1929 catalog Mrs. Caroline S. Rowell Mrs. Rowell 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.histo...
1929 catalog Mrs. F. E. Keller Mrs. F. E. keller 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.histo...
1929 Quality Gardens catalog, Mrs. Pattison For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at ...
1929 catalog Muller Sealey For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserv...
1929 catalog Naperville Fall For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Prese...
1929 catalog J. C. Nicholls Nicholls 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at
1929 catalog Northbrook Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pr...
1929 catalog Pfeiffer Nursery For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pres...
1929 catalog R. Marshall R Marshall 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at ...
1929 catalog Rainbow Gardens, John Crooks For more information on historic Irises visit the Histor...
1929 catalog Riverview Gardens Riverview 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris….
1929 catalog E C Robbins For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservat...
1929 catalog Robert Wayman Robert Wayman 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris….
1929 catalog S.S. Berry S.S. Berry 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at ...
1929 catalog Sam Carpenter Sam Carpenter 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris….
1929 catalog Sarah Toedt's Springtime Gardens Sarah Toedt 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://...
1929 catalog Max Schling Nursery For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris P...
1929 catalog Schreiners Iris Lovers Schreiners 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.histori...
1929 catalog Shanunga Gardens, Mrs, Tobie Shanunga 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.his...
1929 catalog Earl Wooddell Sheets Sheets 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris….
Shenandoah Nursery 1929 Catalog Click on image to view catalog Shenandoah 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation S...
1929 Price List Shiloh Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pre...
1929 catalog Southern California Iris Gardens Southern California Iris Gardens 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservati...
1929 catalog Sunnyside, Merton Gage Sunnyside 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historic...
1929 iris catalog, The American Rose and Plant co. The American Rose And Plant Co 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserv...
1929 catalog The Iris Place For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preser...
1929 catalog The New England Nurseries Co. For more information on historic Irises visit the Histo...
1929, Tingle Nursery Co. Catalog To view click on image To return to list of Nurseries Main.Bob...
1929 catalog Upton Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preserv...
1929 catalog Van Tubergen Van Tubergen 1914 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris.o...
1929 van Waveren Sons van Waveren 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at ...
1929 catalog W A Toole For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservatio...
1929 catalog W.E. Sherbrooke W E Sherbrooke 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historicir...
1929 catalog C. F. Wassenberg Wassenberg 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris….
1929 catalog Waterer For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation ...
1929 catalog Wayside Wayside 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at Main….
1929 Catalog Weed's, (National Iris Garden) Weeds 1929 For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.hist...
1929 catalog Willis Nursery For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Prese...
1929 catalog Woodland Gardens For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Pres...
1929 catalog Bennet Nurseries, Nebraska Content For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at http://www.historiciris.or...
1929 catalog Bon Glad Gardens Content For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at Main….
1929 catalog Brookdale awaiting scanning For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at Ma...
1929 catalog Suhr's Flower Farm Content For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at Mai...