

Botanical Art

Before cameras, there was botanical art. Early herbals were noted for their woodcuts. Later etchings and lithographs created more detailed prints. At their best botanical representations often were better for identification than photos. The artist had the control to make sure key characters were displayed. We may look at some of the early woodcuts and wonder how people identified plants based upon the stylized representations but when botanical art reached its prime plants were depicted extremely accurately. This was no small task since artists were often presented with flowers that were about to wilt or worse had been pressed between sheets of paper. But for the most part the images they created would make it easy to identify the plant.

Classic Botanical Art

Curtis's Botanical Magazine
Gallery, 104 plates
1787 to present
Iris alberti
Redoute's Les Liliaceae
Gallery, 39 plates
Iris susiana
Gallery, 9 plates
Iris Iberica
Gallery of Plates In Dykes
48 plates
Iris sibirica
Gallery of Plates In Addisonia
25 plates
Iris carolina
Gallery of Art from The Garden
10 plates
Iris Leitlinii

Primitive Botanical Art

Early Botanical Art had limited tools such as the woodcuts of early herbals,...(under construction)
Gallery of Plates In Gerarde's Herbal
Iris biflora
  Gallery of Plates In Reichenbach's Icones
Iris arenaria

Contemporary Botanical Art

Todays Artists are invited to display their work in a gallery below .
Jean Witt Gallery
empty gallery
Pries Gallery
Pries gallery
Vacant Gallery awaiting images
empty gallery, display your work!
Getty Museum Art

For more information on historic Irises visit the Historic Iris Preservation Society at

-- BobPries - 2014-11-26
Topic revision: r28 - 23 Mar 2024, BobPries
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